I don't get this woman

Life's so harsh and she's always smiling.
Where does she get her strength from?

This was on my list of optimistic movies but I find her to be a real enigma.
Sometimes, I think she's just insane, other times, I think she'd be fun to have around because she appreciates the good things in life.

She doesn't even get upset when her bike's stolen.
Her only problem is 'I didn't get a chance to say good-bye'

Do people like her exist in real life?

signature :

...something deep and overwhelming...


Maybe not now, but once they did.


To me, she's a joke. She's a pastiche. She's not even palpable.

signature :

...something deep and overwhelming...


...and I don't think you're supposed to.

I think people like Poppy do exist and they are more wiser than most people are led to believe. If you were to ask anyone with just a modicum of common sense, "is the world *beep* up?" The most obvious answer would be "Of course."

So how do you cope? You're brought in to this world without any consent, and you're told to obey nebulous sets of rules that are supposedly the cornerstone of a structured existence that you never asked for in the first place.

Then on top of that your implicit biology programs you to survive by any means, regardless of the repercussions, or the people you anger, sadden, or disappoint.

Delusion is an integral part of happiness. Without it, one could crumble under the weight of uncertainty, depression and evil in and of the world. But people do smile, and those people just don't say they're happy, but actually do things to reflect that happiness in their lives.

People like Poppy completely fascinate me. Her untethered happiness is not a cry for help, but a cry for hope. Hope that she can show a glimmer of light to a person lost in darkness (her student; a hopeful case & Scott; a hopeless case) but also in an effort to keep her herself sane. I find a lot of admiration for such a character but also understanding. You can't survive in darkness, only in light.

Whether Poppy knows it or not there's a method to her madness, and Sally Hawkins' portrayal of her is the perfect interpretation of such madness.

