'Dance competition'

Once that phrase was uttered, the film was doomed.

Other points about the film that were irksome,

1) Robert De Niro's character has to be the worst bookie ever, and he makes a living out of it

2) If you punch out a guy, you get free drugs, a policeman to look after you and free sessions with a psychiatrist

3) If you win a dance competition, an old guy will pay you a huge sum instead of telling you to get lost

4) A couple with a lousy future ahead of them will win out in the end, because they're so in love


The dance competition made it so much fun! Especially since they didn't have to win it--that would be so unbelievable--just make the decent score. And it connected the father's situation to Pat and Tiffany, made the dance so important to the whole family.
