
Lawrence was okay. Not Oscar worthy. Cooper was ... holy Lord. This was a master class in overacting from him. And every scene just lurched along. It's like chunks of dialogue were actually missing from every conversation. Everything was so up and down I actually felt queasy. This was just a bad movie.

You have a black, you have a Chinese, you have a pregnant.


This movie is so cozy, it's like eating mac n cheese. At the same time it's challenging. It's one of those I watch over and over again. Love the dialogue, the characters, the set design and the dancing. These people remind me a lot of my husband's family.

My other favorites are: Closer, The Godfather, Pride and Prejudice, There Will Be Blood, Sound of Music, Monte Carlo

I will hold the Christ light for you. One Bread, One Body


Youve clearly never known someone bipolar very well.


And since that is totally in my control it certainly says a lot about my character. Did you have a point or are you just posting so people will know that you exist?

You have a black, you have a Chinese, you have a pregnant.


Oh dear you are one of those overly dramatic ones arent you?


I didn't eat the last banana.

That's the game, right? Posting things that have nothing to do with the conversation?

Bucka bucka, Enzo wife yucka.


Well i guess your game now is to resurrect threads from 6 months ago. As for my original response, it was to your overly dramatic post from January......


And now that I remember you I realize why I ignored it the first time. You aren't saying anything useful or that is a remotely appropriate response to anything I've posted. Anyway I only saw your unnecessarily bitchy reply last night because someone else bumped the thread to offer (imagine this) an actual response.

Bucka bucka, Enzo wife yucka.


Kind of like your OP and overly dramatic first response to me. You admit you dont know any manic depressives yet seem to think you are authoritative on the accuracy of this film. Just another whiny imdb user I guess. Your responses read like the work of a 15 year old girl.


"Everything was so up and down I actually felt queasy."

Ever think maybe that was intended? This movie isn't always trying to make you feel good, and that's a good thing. It's a movie about more complex emotions.


I don't need to feel good watching a movie. But "uneven" isn't usually a compliment. So no I hadn't considered that that was the intention. Most people don't set out to make annoying, frustrating movies.

Bucka bucka, Enzo wife yucka.


I'm not liking it either. I'm about an hour into it and finally had a response to something just a few minutes ago, when Tiffany hilariously yells at Pat and walks out on him at the diner.

The choppiness of it isn't bothering me much, though I do really hate the camerawork, which adds to that effect. They're way overdoing it and it's a little seasick-making. But the thing that's getting to me is that I can't stand Pat, or Bradley Cooper playing him. Jesus, he's an awful character, and Cooper just whines and shouts his way through the role in the most unpleasant way imaginable. Even his voice itself is grating on me.

Screw it. I'm turning this thing off. You are not alone!

"Are those cats?" "I assume they're Schrödinger's cats."


I agree in part with you. Cooper was credible for about ten minutes at the beginning of the movie, then his overacting was really irritating. JLaw had the same sulky expression all through the movie. De Niro was simply ridiculous, and I felt so sorry for seeing him in such a mess of a movie.

None of the characters were credible, and the bipolar theme was only a variation on the usual romantic comedy. I wanted to like this movie, but from the "betting" scene on it just becomes more and more ridiculous, until the predictable happy ending.

I understand when you say you felt queasy, because for half of the movie I didn't know whether to take it seriously or to take it as a bad joke, until I decided for the latter.


I love it...though you gotta see the thing is the up and down of emotions, and the final glory Pat and TIff enjoy (I enjoy this movie..DVD and Amzon. and just got the book! Very different in some parts..Nikki sending notes and I think a female character not existing in the movie.)

"And that's SHOWBIZ--kid."-Roxie Hart.
PROFILE PIC:Courtney Thorne-Smith.
MAGIC=Sarah Silverman.


CoachGilligan, you sound more like Thurston Howell III, my boy,l with all that criticism! {Gilligan. Gilligan's Island. Get it?]

"And that's SHOWBIZ--kid."-Roxie Hart.
PROFILE PIC:Courtney Thorne-Smith.
MAGIC=Sarah Silverman.


Oh man really. Seen this 3 times now, absolutely love this picture.
