Worst Ever

This movie is honestly in the top 5 of movies I've seen in my entire life


This movie was absolutely horrible. Any movie that starts with "The Haunting of" should tip you off right away. Anyone who actually liked it must be in high school and isn't old enough to have seen an actual horror movie. They probably also watch other stereotypical high school tv show or movie where the "cool" people are good looking and the "ugly" people are weird.

I watched the entire movie because honestly, I already invested way too much time into it and was hoping I'd get a reach around or some kind of happy ending.

Terrible plot, awful acting, and typical, uneventful scare tactics. This movie sucked before the opening credits.


I wonder if The Haunting in Connecticut (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0492044/) will be any good?

An American Haunting and The Haunting of Emily Rose weren't too bad. Hopefully this was just one horrible, horrible fluke.


I think it was the "exorcism of Emily Rose" but I could be wrong. I'm too lazy too look it up or look through my dvds. No biggy though. The Haunting in Conn. just doesn't seem like its going to be that scary. But we'll find out soon.


Without even looking myself that sounds right. I've a poor memory most times.

And yeah, not really scary -- but then what is?

The last time I was truly scared would have to be The Exorcist or maybe Dead Silence (only because doll-type movies get to me IF they're decent).

I wouldn't even call it "scared" either... more like freaked out for that night only.




What are the other four on your list steve?

"DON'T TAKE DRUGS!" - Almost Famous


It's not even a horror movie really. It's more of a satanic propaganda movie; like that movie The Covenant. Become satanic and you'll be successful. Or maybe an athiest attempt at mocking Christianity; I can't tell. I can't stand movies that mislead you like that. Definitely one of the worst movies ever for me.


This movie:

Though the pic still doesn't quite do it justice.

1* out of 10 only because it isn't possible to give it 0.

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The Covenant wasn't satanic propaganda.

Have you NEVER heard of the phrase "Absolute power corrupts absolutely"?

If you had ALL THE POWER IN THE WORLD to do whatever you wanted, what would you do with it? Create fluffy bunnies and butterflies and make brownies appear when you want them to?

Come on, you're telling me that if you had all the power you could ever want to make anything you ever wanted happen you wouldn't.. make yourself rich or gorgeous or make a girl/guy fall in love with you?

The Covenant was about "chilren" imbibed with enough power to put the world at their fingertips and they could either use it or not use it. Each time they used it it put a little more corruption into them. Sure it's a tiny bit propagandized but honestly, I thought the movie was decent enough, The Covenant that is. I thought THoMH was mostly crap.


I have to agree with this, ConcealedFaith.

The Covenant had nothing at all to do with 'satanism'.
It was another corny teen flick with hot ppl but the message wasn't lost on me.
Shouldn't have been lost on anyone else b/c the characters spelled it out several times in the movie.

'Molly Hartley' was...disappointing. I really expected more.

Anyway --
All the power in the world?
I'd make myself the wealthiest woman on the face of the earth...and I'd give myself ab muscles. LOL Try as I might I can't get a sixpack. Only 4. So a slight magical nip-tuck(lol). Just a little...b/c I honestly do like the way I presently look. LOL But h*ll you can always *improve* on some things.
And that's about it. I'd have money and that's a catalyst for many things. So, there'd nothing more to 'fix'. Making someone fall in love w/you? Can't say that I fully believe in tinkering w/anyone's free will and choices.
- To better an individual's life and circumstances? Yes.
- For my own self-serving purposes. No.
...and I think a person would probably have to establish some serious boundaries for themselves and abide by them to the letter...b/c once you break the smaller rules, you'll have no issue breakin larger ones.
Anyway, I dunno how a person could relax in such a union when they know it's all just an illusion, anyhow. That person does not TRULY love them...the person is only deluding themselves. I find that a little pathetic.

Then...I suppose, I'd end up doing things to make life easier for loved ones and others that I happen to like. That's all.

Power is power, imo.
But (minus the covenant premise) Power only corrupts when it's housed within a person who is ALREADY rotten to the core.


An atheist attempt at mocking Christianity? Didn't know that Christians needed help in that regard. Seems like you're a pretty impressive job all on your own.


The only think more ridiculous than this movie is your comment about it.

What if a squirrel wants a sausage?


This movie is a huge piece of steaming crap! Bad writing, bad acting and the ending! I kept waiting for subtitles saying "this could be you if you just renounce God and join Satan" or something to that effect. 3.5 stars? I gave it 1 just because I couldn't give it zero.

Kirk: If I were Tom Cruise, where would you seat me?

Luke: In an acting class.


No idea. Rented it the other night and cheated by only watching a few minutes.
THIS evening I plan to go to the Aero theater for a special treat, a Robert Wise double-feature: The Haunting and The Day the Earth Stood Still.
Loved The Exorcism of Emily Rose and found Twilight unwatchable. Enjoyed Carrie and The Exorcist back in the day.
If you rent The Beast of Yucca Flats or Plan 9 From Outer Space you will be rewarded with a good time. I may rent this again just to study it.


100% agree. this movie was pure sh!t. the ending ruined it. like seriously, what the hell?

"They'll tear us apart,
If you give them the chance,
Don't sell your heart,"


I haven't watched the "The Covenant" since it came out awhile back but if memory serves me correctly, the reason I say it's satanic is because the people get their powers from "The Book of the Damned" of all things. Why would you call it that? It implies that the people sold there souls for wealth, power, and eternal life on earth.

Like the story of the The Wandering Jew they basically have lost their salvation in the higher planes of the afterlife in return for the curse of eternal life on the physical plane. The Wandering Jew is a legend about "The original legend concerns a Jew who taunted Jesus on the way to the Crucifixion and was then cursed to walk the earth until the Second Coming." The difference is that they supposedly induces the curse deliberately.

Basically they are a variation of vampire mythology, without the fangs and the blood sucking. And like in source vampire mythology, people don't live eternally on earth so they can transcend to higher planes of existence.

Also, I don't think the story is about how power corrupts. I think they're corruption stems from this "Covenant" that has deliberately damned them. Like typical vampire mythology their wealth and power stems from their "covenant".

They are taking typically evil concepts and cleaning it up so it seems good.


even someone who has been forced to become evil can get a happy ending. i liked it

Rob Zombie is one of the greatest movie directors today

