Way to skinny!

The main actress Odette Yustman is way to skinny! I don't know if its genetic or someone tell her she needs to loose weight but I couldn't even focus on the movie she was so thin! All I kept thinking about was how she looks like you could break her in half! She is a pretty girl, but I think that by casting an actress this thin in a movie, Lifetime network or not, you are sending a terrible message to young girls who might be a fan of hers about body image.


I know! And the actors in film claim her body is hot.

BTW: It's "way too skinnny"

I'm glad Obama won, but I will not jump on the Pro-Choice bandwagon


When you look at it, the media in general is a hypocrite, a huge one.

First they rave about how this person lost this much weight and looked fab at the oscars, while at the same time go about how curves are sexy and you should love your body no matter what, then they go back again casting skinny models in their little photo mags and writing front page tabloid trash about someone's diet secret.

It's ridiculous. It's no wonder why so many women and girls are confused and self concious about their bodies. Instead of paying attention to these magazines and shows, they should just pay attention to what makes them happy.

Ok, sorry for my rant. Odette Yustman is very cute and I thought I was the only one to notice her small figure. It's weird because her boobs are pretty big and it looks weird.

I get it up, I get it up in the dark, I make her feel I'm not a holy man


Just because someone is not a plus size it does not mean they are "way too skinny". She was at a decent body weight. Some people can control themselves when it comes to food, believe it or not.


the OP is nuts. Odette Yustman is unbelievably sexy and has a great body.

There are no more white horses or pretty ladies at my door.


No, she is perfect.

M. Night Delusional
