
Why is it their characters' last name is listed as Lucas? I don't remember them being called that???


it was like that from the beginning


Whey is the show/ their band called jonas if their last name is lucas????



thanks for that ...I always asked myself why are they called JONAS if their last name is Lucas...but they never mention their last name though or?

I want someone to love me
For who I am
I want someone to need me
Is that so bad?


No, I've never heard them referrred to as "Lucas." However, they want to distinguish their characters from their real selves so the characters' last names aren't "Jonas." The band's name comes from the street they lived in. On the show, they are referred to as "Joe of Jonas" or "Nick of Jonas," but never "Joe Lucas."

Obviously, the producers didn't want the characters to stray too far from their real selves, otherwise, they would have changed their first names too, including little annoying Frankie.
