MovieChat Forums > City of Vice (2008) Discussion > Question about Sir John Fielding / Iain ...

Question about Sir John Fielding / Iain Glen

Having read all of the novels about Sir John Fielding by Bruce Alexander, Sir John Fielding was blinded in an accident as an adult. Does Iain Glen portray him as blind?


Not sure. It will be very interesting to find out though!

~~~~~I judge you when you use poor grammar.~~~~~



Really? Wow, what a jerk.

What about Ian McDiarmid? What was he like on set? A gentleman, I'm sure ;)



Ian McDiarmid was , qhat i thought, quiet, apart from his lines he sort of kept himself to himself, so not sure if that was good or bad, as in did he do that cos he was to high to "mingle" and "chat" or was he just being self contained ? im not sure

Thanks for sharing your observations about working on this show, Lee. I have heard that Ian McDiarmid is rather known for being a quiet and shy, but polite fellow. Some of his co-stars have commented on it and that accords with what you say. So it probably was just shyness, not being too 'stuck-up' to mingle.

Yahoo group for Ian McDiarmid:



Iain Glen (from what I hear from an actress friend who has worked with him - on stage, not screen) is incredibly predatory, if you are an attractive woman, he is ALL over you!

I am not sure what he is like with extras or the crew, but if you are a good looking woman he is likely to be very nice I am sure!!

If you love Satan and are 100% proud of it copy this and make your signature!


I have worked on set with Iain Glen and I found him to be a lovely man, always talking to people and having fun. I was part of the crew, so don't know how he was with the extras, but I found him a very nice person.


I have to disagree. I interviewed Iain Glen on set of City of Vice for the DVD release and he was a perfect gent.



We were there all day and spoke to him and other cast members throughout it. The major interview wasnt until the end of the day when they had stopped filming and i didnt get the sense that he was difficult at all.



I met Mr. Glen outside the theatre when he was playing in The Crucible in Stratford. He apologized profusely because he was one of the last actors to come outside and he said he did not realize anyone was waiting. It was pre-opening night. He was very nice and because I had forgotten a pen (stupid me)for him to sign my program, he agreed to come out the following day after the matinee to sign for me. That next evening's performance was opening night. He had only a couple of hours between shows and after a grueling three hour performance, I would have understood if he had just decided to rest inside and not bother. But he very graciously kept his word. Anyone who saw The Crucible knows how incredibly arduous that role was. I found him to be very kind, articulate and surprisingly soft spoken. So it would seem you just were kind of unlucky. Having read other actors' comments about working with him both in interviews and on other sites, your experience seems to be the exception rather than the rule.


I think you're being somewhat unfair there. Iain G came and partied with all the crew, including the SAs, at the infamous 'Bloc Parties' and was simply 'one of the boys'.

It's also worth noting that only a very small handful of extras came to those crew parties, which, if we were being overly sensitive, could mean that they were too 'stuck up' to associate themselves with the little people who built the sets, did the lighting, operated the cameras etc. as we weren't 'stars'.

During the day Iain was working, and when we broke for lunch or had a break he'd spend his time with the director or DoP discussing the forthcoming scenes - because that's his job and that's how he likes to work. At night, however, he could, and did, relax with the rest of us.

As for Ian McD - the man's a true gentleman.


Here is a photo showing Ian McDiarmid and Iain Glen as Henry and John Fielding, respectively. You can see that John is being portrayed as blind.
