Foppish Maccarone

Any ideas what this means?


foppish is sort of camp; a macaroni was a stylish and elegant gay man, probably of higher class, though sometimes more generally just the equivalent of 'queer'


A reference to a macaroni/maccaroni also appears in Yankee Doodle

Yankee Doodle went to town,
A-Riding on a pony;
He stuck a feather in his hat,
And called it macaroni.

The it referred to is not his hat but "his style" ... sending up this unfashionable American rebel.

The song's origins were in a pre-Revolutionary War song originally by British military officers to mock the disheveled, disorganized colonial "Yankees" with whom they served in the French and Indian War.

More about Fops and Macaronis in the fashion sense (along with Dandys)
