What about Danny?

This character was introduced in the first few minutes of the film and completely dropped until the end. There was one scene where his mother, the maid talks about how proud she is of him and there is nothing more until the conclusion of the film. Why wasn't this character fleshed out more? I kept wondering throughout the movie, "what about Danny?" I really wanted to know more about this kid, who couldn't really express his fears to anyone and seemed closed off from everyone. The film spends a great deal of time on Theo and all of his weirdness and desires but none on the other young male character. At first, I thought that these two boys would connect somehow, but they didn't. It might have been an interesting twist if they had. I don't think that another fifteen or twenty minutes to focus on Danny would've been so out of line.

Sister, when I've raised hell, you'll know it!


If you mean the young guy who played the violin, it appears that he was bashed as well......off camera. There was a shot of his smashed violin at the end in the underground tunnel. We don't know whether he lived or died.


Or maybe they just broke the violin. Who knows. I too agree that it would have been nice to see more of him in the story.


So that's what those pieces on the ground were. Was it to imply if you didn't speak up / stand up against bullies etc, and not sought for help, you'll always be a victim?
