Panto horror

First twenty minutes pretty good, unpredictable stuff....but when the one eyed woman appears for the second time it starts getting a little weird, and then... when she reveals her giant pair of scissors -well i'm sorry but that was it for me, a giant pair of scissors FFS!!!! It goes downhill from there, jumping from one daft ridicilous set-up to the next, and the initial sincere realism of the two main characters' relationship is, by the end, just a mush - or a mushi mushi, if you will - battered and bruised and stretched into la la land. I saw glimpses of the Wicker man here, but it quickly lost its potential for subtlety horror. And if it was meant to be comedy that didn't work either. (incidentally how did scissors woman know about the village????)


I have to say I generally agree, but then I didn't really expect much. I knew just what sort of movie it was going to be when I read the synopsis. It wasn't really meant to be "horror" in the sense of, say, The Exorcist; just a teen B-movie. It isn't really intended to be taken seriously.

That said, even knowing it wasn't going to be a "serious" kind of movie, I still found it excessively silly and ridiculous. The psycho girl in the pink lolita outfit with the giant scissors who keeps coming back from the dead, that was what did it for me. I get that it wasn't meant to be taken seriously, but still, I think the movie would have been better without that. Not least because it had literally nothing to do with anything else that was going on. Also I like your reference to The Wicker Man; I thought of that too and I would have really liked it a lot more if the movie tried going more down that road, which it could have done if it took itself seriously.

Oh well. I give it 3/10. It's not completely terrible, I did find it legitimately funny at some moments, and I liked how you never really knew who was on what side. It got to where even at the end I half-expected Akira to turn out to be something else (though I wondered about him the whole time, especially since it didn't seem like he cared very much that his sister was dead; since he turned out to be good, i'll put that down to lazy writing). So those aspects were good. But the overall silliness and especially the pink lolita scissors girl prevent me from going any higher than 3. In the end, it's just a popcorn flick to kill an evening with, preferably in the company of friends with whom you can laugh and crack jokes at the absurdity.

"None are more hopelessly enslaved than those who falsely believe they are free."
- Goethe
