Release date?

It's up on the official website that the DVD release for Japan is March 14th of this year. Does anyone have a clue how long we'll have to wait in the US to see it? (I remember the loooong wait for Advent Children and am steeling myself, though that reserve of patience is long gone.)

So far it looks spiffy (okay, totally drool-worthy). Unlike most folks, I actually enjoyed the CGI Appleseed (probably because I've read the manga a couple of times and could get more between-the-lines than someone who watched it cold), and I can't waaait...but I think I probably will, unless I buy a Japanese copy and have it shipped over...with a region-compatible DVD player...

"Inuyasha is like Final Fantasy in the Sengoku Jidai."


Warner will be releasing on HD DVD in the US on March 11th (2008).

