Appleseed 2, perhaps?

Hey, not to sound too stupid, or noobish.... but, i guess i will anyway...

Just saw Appleseed. Having never read the original manga, I was actually pleasantly surprised. Ive always loved the obsession of the post-apocolypse story in anime, and honestly the CGI was better done here than in some serials, like, say, Last Exile- which i saw on G4, and had a great story up until the version they played cut the ending off... stupid broadcast crap...

But i digress. Here's my question: So this is the John Woo sequel to the 2k4 flick, right? I mean, is it a continuation, or a remake or what?

~If the "best part of waking up is Folger's in your cup" i'd suggest you stay in bed.~


Scratch that. Just found the trailer at IGN. The 3D/2D blending is way better than the first, by the way.

~If the "best part of waking up is Folger's in your cup" i'd suggest you stay in bed.~


From what Anime Insider reports, it's stand alone from the first. Not really a remake but I guess more like a restart.

I'm not too broken up about it since the first one wasn't all that great. Plus the 88 OVA anime. I hope this tops both.

What all of them seem to miss including this new one is the romance and humor to the Briareos and Deunan coupling. They have a lot of chemistry and sexual tension.


...which ill be thankful if they continue to exclude... im all for storytelling and character development, but i dont really want a 90 minute film to be 70 minutes worth of them talking about their feelings, and showing awkward moments between the two...

Belief in a supernatural source of evil is unnecessary -We alone are capable of every wickedness


Umm they aren't excluding it. It's going to be there just like the last one. But it's going to be very "dramatic." This time there's a bio-roid who was made with Briareos DNA, so he basically looks the same as Briareos did when he was human. Deunan has feelings for the bio-roid and vice versa even though she's with Briareos, yadda yadda yadda.

The manga wasn't really awkward moments or them talking about their feelings. They were simply a happy, humorous couple. They argue and have little squabbles just like any other couple but they are very much in love with each other. None of the movies have really captured the best moments of the pair.



why that large difference between the voters of Appleseed 1 and Appleseed 2(just 53 votes !) in IMDB??

does that mean no one is aware of the second one?


The second one is still pretty new to the western world. In fact, I didn't even know about the first one until three years after it was released. Bad marketing, if you ask me.


Yes this is a direct sequel to the last one. It has the same director, Shinji Aramaki. Woo served as a consulting producer for the movie and they kind of milked his participation for hype purposes.


Woo is the producer. But he made this into a John woo movie. do not see this if you want a sequel to Applesee 1.


1. That's *beep*

2. This is a sequel.

3. Woo did not work on the movie that MUCH.

4. A lot of things you think were Woo's ideas were already being talked about before Woo came on.


the first name appeared in the beginning is John Woo production. we saw different versions?


obviously yes. It was a clear sequel to the first movie. Same producers and directors outside of Woo and the WB people. Same production crew for the most part.

Look at the extras on the DVD that will show that John Woo's involvement was exaggerated and overblown. His credit on the movie is marketing hype more than anything.
