Just saw screener

this is great. well filmed beautiful to look at


What is it about?


Didn't like the first Appleseed CGI movie. This one hopefully will be better.



I disliked the CGI Appleseed too. It looked good but the story was lacking. Thanks for the link.


looks like they are not going for the cell-shaded look of the 1st movie, this one seems to go towards photo-realistic CGI while keeping the art direction of anime styles.


Can't wait to see what John Woo does with this.

Top 250 on 4/28/06 >>http://us.imdb.com/title/tt0097775/board/thread/42051082



A sh!t load of action and great visuals. Unfortunately there are some potential subplots that fizzel at the end that could of added to the drama. Basically It almost felt anti-climatic at the end. Overall awesome flick but the story fell short at the end from all its visual glory. Its also way better than the first movie by the way. I definately recommend it but don't expect a "wow" story though.


Alright so what's the deal?

-What's going on with Briareos and Deunan at the beginning of the movie? Do they have an apartment together? Does Deunan sleep with Briareos plushies?

-Is it true this movie is basically like a restart and separate from the first movie? Or does it acknowledge the first movie at all?

-Are Yoshi and Hitomi a couple in the movie? In the original manga they were dating, but in both the 1980's OVA and the 2004 movie they were just friends.

-How long is it?


I just received the site for the dvd release on 3/11/08. There is a high def dvd. I think this looks absolutely amazing. I have been waiting for anime to move towards this for a very long time. It's like the going from the Flintstones to Toy Story only a lot better. http://www.warnervideo.com/appleseed/ the site it's worth it


I'd appreciate if who ever watched it before could answer my questions.




Thanks for answering my questions, but I already found out for myself since I reviewed the movie for ign.com ;) .

I'm a little continually disappointed we still haven't seen full on Briareos/Deunan in these movies.

As for the plushie thing, in the manga after Briareos gets injured in the hospital, Deunan sleeps on the floor of their place with a Briareos plushie watching over her. KAWAII!!!
