
On the PS2 version on the Isle de Pelegostos (Cannibal Island) where Jack is tellin Will to get the woman into the pot how do you do that? Are there ne cheat codes?

Just how close can I get Lord to my surrender without losing all control.


Don't know if you have an answer yet, but here's what I've learned. Fighting her does no good - you'll only end up dead yourself. I spend most of my time defending myself, until I've got her back to the pot. Then I attack. She gets kicked into the pot, and Jack hits her over the head with a coconut. What makes it a pain? You have to do it three times before you're done!

Was today really necessary?


I actually just figured that out...i hate that part of the game...thank goodness for memory cards so we don't have to replay

Just how close can I get Lord to my surrender without losing all control.


No kidding! After finishing the game, I decided to play it a second time, and cringed when I got to that part. There's another point that's just as bad, but it doesn't come for a while...

Was today really necessary?
