Don't people understand?

...the history of Hercules flicks?? Since the beginning, these films have never been about historical accuracy or high-brow acting. If you don't get it, just look at ANY Hercules movie done in the last 50 years. They are made strictly to entertain. People are so damn critical now; of EVERYTHING. I find that annoying and a bit depressing. This latest version, "Legend of Hercules" follows that classic formula, exactly as it's always been. The difference is that this version has some truly gorgeous cinematography, and performances that are actually better than the films of Steve Reeves and the countless Italian Hercules movies. Where are the older people, or the people who really understand movie history, on these boards? Is everyone here 16 years old or younger?? It's not about "great CGI," or "great acting," or historical accuracy. With Hercules, it has never been about ANY of that. I was thoroughly entertained by "Legend of Hercules" from beginning to end. I thought K. Lutz was the IDEAL choice to play Hercules; I mean just look at the guy! Hebe was amazingly gorgeous; this actress was a Goddess! WTF do you people want? Shakespeare? From a damn Hercules movie??? Of course I would love to see an epic, or mini-series that tells the story of the REAL Hercules, from Greek mythology. Something like the series "Vikings," which is really an incredible tv production IMO. Until that happens, I'm happy with flicks about the fantasy version of Hercules, done in the old school this one. The BEST thing about this movie was that it didn't insult the audience with stupid comedy! That is a recent trend in action and fantasy films that really disgusts me. It totally ruined "Thor: Dark World," and that film didn't get slammed like this one..

"IMdB; where 14 year olds can act like jaded 40 year old critics...'


I agree. I watched this movie for entertainment and nothing else and that's what I got.




Thank you!!


I agree with most of your post and only had a few nits to pick about the movie. Being the Greek version, Heracles should have been the name used instead of Hercules (Roman version). Also, after spending most of the movie unwilling to come to grips with who his real father was, I thought it a little unrealistic for him to all of a sudden change his mind and finally acknowledge that he believed in Zeus (Jupiter) in the nick of time to save his best friend. That's really about it. I liked the movie for what it was - entertainment.

Now, since there never really was such a person, unless you believe that these Greek and Roman "gods" were from other planets, aside from the tales already told down through the ages, it's perfectly fine to "make up" new adventures. I remember the uproar over "Robin Hood Prince Of Thieves" where people accused the writers of "changing history," and all the while I'm wondering if these people really thought Robin was a real person.

So, to answer your question, it appears the answer for most people is "no," they don't understand.


"I thought it a little unrealistic for him to all of a sudden change his mind and finally acknowledge that he believed in Zeus in the nick of time to save his best friend.."

One of my favorite scenes actually; Hercules/Heracles wasn't about to just accept the wild tale of being the son of Zeus. Something had to bring him to the point of calling on Zeus, and that was, understandably, seeing his friend with a blade to his throat, about to be killed. His realization came out of rage and a need to connect with a Spiritual power, which he accomplished. Throughout history non-believers have suddenly found religion in the same way. I thought it was a great scene that, if nothing else, displayed the power that a bond of friendship can produce. Hercules literally pulled that power down from the Heavens, to save his friend, who was more like a brother to him. He does it again later, at the film's climax, by bringing down the lightening to disband his father's army in front of him. But I liked how he came to his father, without any higher powers, and killed him with his own mortal strength and skill. This is some good fantasy storytelling I believe. I still have a suspicion that a lot of hatred towards this film had to do with the fact that the lead actor had a (very minor) role in the silly "Twilight" franchise. It's unreasonable to blame any actor for accepting a role in a big franchise..especially when they are just starting their careers.

"IMdB; where 14 year olds can act like jaded 40 year old critics...'
