A giant Obama ad

Each episode: "we are so proud of Obama on the grounds that he's black/half black". There isn't any logic behind the shows support for him other than race and they don't even try to hide it. When anyone in the media backs a candidate on such shallow principles, it reflects poorly on those bandwagon jumpers.

In a week, they won't have much material left for the show; elected or not.




It's a comedy show!!!



a lame not funny comedy show, ive watched it a few times and not once have lulz

McCain 08


ya, how dare they declare who they support! well, i mean, unless they were backing the candidate i want, then i wouldnt be complaining.... but still, it's not my candidate, therefore theyre wrong!

but as for them not having material for this show, it doesnt matter because this show is so horrible that it'll (hopefully) be cancelled


There is a difference between supporting a candidate for his policies and supporting him for his race.

Most black people only like Obama because he is black, and cannot even differentiate his policies from McCain's.




umm srry sir saying black ppl are only goin to vote for obama b/c he's black would also imply that Alan Keyes n Al Sharpton would both have been realistic candidates when they ran for president...ummm but they didn't....black ppl aren't voting for Obama b/c he's black...they're voting for Obama b/c he's a democrat n thanks to the republican's incredibly poorly run campaign (i go Ohio State haven't seen a single mccain supporter even trying to get my vote or anyone elses...combined w/ the fact that non-stop talking about small town values really just is code for No N I G G A S) black ppl can tell that McCain really doens't seem to want the vote and really don't have any reason for black ppl to vote for McCain...

These crabcakes are good as a mug!! I f@$%ks with these crabcakes!!! -ann coulter via the boondocks



Kind of like how Fixed News, Fox News for all those that don't follow Keith Olbermann, was a giant ad for McCain.

"Haven't you heard of the Emancipation Proclamation?"
"I don't listen to hip-hop."
