MovieChat Forums > Chocolate News (2008) Discussion > i just have to say it again

i just have to say it again

this show looks god awful, terrible, and another huge setback for black people

black comedians are HORRIBLE, they all say the exact same jokes it will be terrible sex jokes, pimp jokes, and then white people and "messicans" jokes

i hate *beep* like this, people are just ridiculous man, they can do whatever the hell they want
^Sylvia Likens house


How about your racist ass waits until the first episode to judge the show. Alright douche bag.



Also, I'll point out that you're a gigantic *beep* troll.

I had to look for all of about two seconds to find a thread you started on World of Warcraft (something I never got into, but I don't bash those who like it) board, where you carried it on for something like 10 pages of responses.

"lmao im 19 and my daughter is too old to play warcraft"

OK, so either you're lying, or you had a kid when you were thirteen and you somehow find the time to sit around on the computer and carry on epic obnoxious battles instead of working or raising your kid?

What type of person does this? Who lies about having kids? I could only guess, someone who has none and never will.

-Everybody! Get this! Did you hear this thing about Scientology? Turns out it's bad...


no, im 20 now and my daughter IS to old to play WOW...shes 19 months :D

and i can understand the WOW thread, but this isnt trolling

this is me giving my honest opinion starting a discussion about a show.....this IS a discussion board right? its not a fan club, u dont have to like it to post here
^Sylvia Likens house


Considering that you have a history of trolling, and you went to the board for "Chocolate News" and started spewing racist sh*t before the show even aired...

You wanted to get a bunch of responses by being inflammatory. That's the definition of trolling.

And you're full of sh*t, you're not 20 and you don't have a kid. And if you did, you wouldn't spend your time with this bullsh*t.

-Everybody! Get this! Did you hear this thing about Scientology? Turns out it's bad...


why would i lie about that *beep* the only time i post on here is from work

oh and i dont give a *beep* if u call it trolling or not, this show WILL BE racist towards whites mark my words, but nobody will consider it racist, cuz black ppl get away with everything

by the way i aint white
^Sylvia Likens house


You don't see how you're preemptively being racist?

And I still call bullsh*t on being 20 and having a kid- or at least being 20 with a kid and having a job where you work on a computer...

-Everybody! Get this! Did you hear this thing about Scientology? Turns out it's bad...


lol wtf, why is that *beep* get ready to laugh, but i worked armed security at a factory wheere i have all night to do basically whatever i want 90% of the time

and get over it, people have babies in high school all the time

and i dont care if im bein racist, people are so quick to call everybody racist if they say anything about black people
^Sylvia Likens house


No, people are quick to call out racists. Period. If you have opinions like that, keep them to yourself because all they do is piss everyone else off.

And I call bullsh*t on that job. It's daytime, and you're doing this.

EDIT: And what kind of security company has their guards sitting at computers during work?

-Everybody! Get this! Did you hear this thing about Scientology? Turns out it's bad...


Why is a 19 month old baby playing video games?

F__king Catalina Wine Mixer!


ok marxist

i work security at a factory, we have security here 24/7....think about this for a second, if i work 12 hours, and im a security guard, and theres nothing else happening, wtf am i suppose to be doing? NOTHING

u dont tihnk security offices have computers? wow, its 2008, everything we do is on computers

and also, i cant state my opinions because they piss people off? well then nobody can state there opinions about dumb black people being held down by the white man, just cuz that pisses me off

get real

and wtf is up with u not belivin my job?
^Sylvia Likens house


I get the feeling you bullsh*t a lot.

And don't act like you started this thread for any other reason than to get a bunch of responses. It's the same reason you've started other threads like this on other boards- you make the most inflammatory statement you can think of and start heated arguments for fun.

I seriously hope you don't have a kid, so you can't teach her that being hateful is OK because you have a sh*tty job/life and are bored.

-Everybody! Get this! Did you hear this thing about Scientology? Turns out it's bad...



i still dont get it man, but whatever, im not lyin about any of this
^Sylvia Likens house


i hate *beep* like this, people are just ridiculous man, they can do whatever the hell they want

This show is STUPID. It is annoying and dumb. But this type of stereotyping is even more ridiculous. David Allen Grier and co will continue to produce crap like this because of people like you. "Black people are just ridiculous," why don't you just stop your little rant. If you have a problem with this show or SOME black people who play the racist card then fine, but to say every black person is like that is stupid. Your posts obviously show you are a racist, for that I issue you a nice big *beep* YOU.



and i dont care if im bein racist...

Of course you don't care about being racist. what racist cares about coming off racist? if anything you're proud of yourself

people are so quick to call everybody racist if they say anything about black people...

Yeah of course, aren't people quick at calling EVERYbody racist if they say anything (let's not forget to say, anything OFFENDING and ignorant) about Black people I'm trying to figure out what you have said that doesn't sound racist.

stupidity aside... do you watch Stephen Colbert show? do you really think he's a republican? it's called a SATIRE and sorry Black people have a different type of humor that YOU don't like.

i love me


I'm not even black and I think you're a racist douche.

-Everybody! Get this! Did you hear this thing about Scientology? Turns out it's bad...


Do not feed the racist troll.


this thread made me lol


You're mad. Get over it.

"Haven't you heard of the Emancipation Proclamation?"
"I don't listen to hip-hop."


"Racist Ass Chinaman !" BOOSH!

Poets are made by fools like me, but only God can make STD.
