MovieChat Forums > Chocolate News (2008) Discussion > most racist show on television?

most racist show on television?

come on now. whether you think this is funny or not there's no denying that this show is blatantly racist. Not even in a satirical manner--it's just in your face racist. He constantly stresses that we should be voting for Barack Obama because he is black. Race should not determine your vote.


It's a comedy show!!!


Like the man said..." It's only racist if YOU are!"


um...actually this show is EXTREMELY racist. It constantly reinforces negative black steriotypes in a demeaning way. This show isn't necessarily DIRECTLY racist like the KKK but its the subtle racism which causes racial bias.This show would be like if white people were the minority and some idiot made a show reinforcing negative white steriotypes(hillbilly etc) during a time where racism isnt quite over. This kind of garbage is just terribly written dribble playing off easily writtin racist jokes.


The show is a sattire, and the writing is actually fantastically timed and executed. It's just not the kind of humor that everyone can appreciate.
More than half of the people who don't appreciate it don't because they can't understand it.

You are now breathing manually.


I cosign and concur with hawk. This show is garbage. They want to pass this off as comedy. Black face back in the day was considered comedy too. So were Heckle and Jeckle (the black crows from early cartoons that had a "black" accent). That was considered comedy too. David Alan Grier is not funny to me at all. He's a caricature of those yessah bossers back in the day around to make white folks comfortable and to reinforce their stereotypes. Believe me, they aren't laughing with you, they are laughing at you - hence why Dave Chappelle left his series. Just as hawk said, if this was satire done to make fun of poor white trash, it wouldn't been off the air day one, especially if a black man was doing it. This kind of garbage will always be around to make fun of black people as long as other black people and the like don't tune in. I doubt THAT will happen. Am I taking this too serious. H*ll no. It's just my opinion.



It's MUCH different when considering white people. like i said, IF white people were the minority this WOULD be offensive because the MINORITY was never in a position of power. Its not nearly as offensive to mock something which has been represented as good, compared to mocking something which has yet to achieve a media represented status of good and equal to white. Basically what i am saying is, ofcours not all black are the stereo types displayed in this show but The problem is that this is far too typical of the ONLY way black people are represented in media. This show just reinforces the differences between races. Unlike in dave chappelles show, where i would laugh at his jokes against white people, chocolate news is just plain offensive. Unless like me, you have black friends who are just themselves, it can be difficult to see images of normal black people. it would seem that atleast 85% of african people on t.v are either gangstas/playas or sassy fat people. Wake up and realize that the media is probably the most universally influencial device.


"it would seem that atleast 85% of african people on t.v are either gangstas/playas or sassy fat people."

and that's true,
you ARE biased because you only see your black friends as representing all black people, and those blacks friends congregate and associate with each other so they're probably a lot alike,
walk around a mall,
go to a supermarket,
the movies...etc.

85% is pretty much right on the money, if not higher
