MovieChat Forums > Chocolate News (2008) Discussion > We get it, you're black.

We get it, you're black.

Is it just me or does this seem to be a "one trick pony" kind of show?

Christians, Republicans, and Nazis. Oh my!


well its comedy central. Go read a book if you want something thought provoking.

teach them when their young gods twisted game of hide and seek


First of all, I'm not asking for something thought provoking, I'm asking for more than one joke.

And btw, I'd say that between The Colbert Report, The Daily Show, and South Park there is plenty of thought provoking programs on Comedy Central.

Christians, Republicans, and Nazis. Oh my!


South Park is thought provoking but Chocolate News isn't? Hmmm...

"Haven't you heard of the Emancipation Proclamation?"
"I don't listen to hip-hop."


If you don't think South Park is thought provoking than you have not watched it enough.

South Park is incredibly intelligent but many people don't realize it until they get into it.

Christians, Republicans, and Nazis. Oh my!


South Park is only clever if anything, not thought provoking. Both shows are funny. Dissing Chocolate News and praising South Park, a show that had a piece of poop as a character, is very condescending.

"Haven't you heard of the Emancipation Proclamation?"
"I don't listen to hip-hop."





And that's why I said the show is clever. I didn't demean the show. I said it's condescending to say that Chocolate News is stupid and then praise South Park. Now that's all I'm saying

"Haven't you heard of the Emancipation Proclamation?"
"I don't listen to hip-hop."


I wonder if you "Chocolate News is better than South Park" folks even remember this show?

Not that South Park needs to be explained to people like you, a show that's been on since I was a freshman in high school (and I'm old). But I can't but help to point out how ignorant you must be, to not see the show as "thought provoking".

First, I liked the point about Scientology, name one piece of media or pop culture pre-South Park that had anything to say about Scientology in any negative way. Seriously. Find one f%cking source before South Park took them on. They began the debate. Look at the news trends for Scientology after the Nov 2005 airing of South Park's rip on Scientology

You'll notice an epic spike in searches, and what was a COMPLETE FLAT LINE BEFORE SOUTH PARK'S EPISODE became a continuous trend of news reports.

In this instance, South Park created media on Scientology. If that's not "thought provoking" then nothing is, you are morons.

Shall I go on? That's just 1 episode.

How about South Park's "Thought Provoking" effect on something already popular?

Make Love, Not Warcraft aired in October 2006. Now it was already massively popular to gamers, but look at the news trends beginning immediately after South Park threw in their hat.

Once again, you see a near flatline of news, becoming a continuous mountain range after South Park.

News is by definition "thought provoking" it is meant to inform, and provide analysis, if news spikes on subjects because of South Park, South Park is inherently thought provoking. They are actually inspiring reporters, and media to follow subjects because of their show.

I could do this all day with a hundred different episodes. You people have no idea how you sound when you suggest South Park brings nothing to the table "thought" wise. South Park has been a cornerstone for thought and ideas for over 10 years. Chocolate News was a hack sketch comedy that couldn't make up for its mediocrity with its slough of attempted racist "jokes".




I DON'T KNOW, BUT I CAN LIST SOME (And I won't list any made by Comedy Central)

South Park Conservatives: The Revolt against Liberal Media Bias by Brian C. Anderson.

Blame Canada!: South Park and Contemporary Culture by Toni Johnson-Woods

South Park and Philosophy: Bigger, Longer, and more Penetrating by Richard Hanley (with an essay by professor Dr. Randall Auxier, "Killing Kenny: Our Daily Dose of Death")

South Park and Philosophy: You Know, I Learned Something Today by Robert Arp (interestingly enough, one of the reviews for this book was "indispensable collection of thought-provoking essays." from the Boston Herald, so even the book that was inspired by South Park is thought provoking according to professional media, who are you? Seriously, what do you bring to the table?).

As with the individual award winning and ever quoted episodes, and the movie, I could go on listing all the "Thoughts" (e.g. BOOKS) That were "Provoked" because of this show. But I think I've sufficiently slammed you into the ground.
South Park may very well be one of the most culturally significant shows in American History, but you can't even admit it is even "thought provoking". How far you must travel intellectually just to comprehend why you are so very wrong, you may want to pack a few bags.


First of all, I don't know why you directed this at me because I didn't say anything bad about the show. Nor did I say Chocolate News was better than anything. I said South Park was clever. SO take your animosity and go play somewhere. Secondly, if you couldn't think of these things on your own before they came out with a show to even bring up these topics, then you're the mindless drone, not me. I'm not saying that I would even have the capacity to execute the show in the manner that the creators of South Park do, but I damn sure have thought about the majority of the issues on South Park way before they came out with an episode for said topics. So slow your damn roll. Lastly, I rarely find a large audience that praises any black show, let alone write books on them. Black shows don't even get finales, they just go off air. And I'm not talking about black shows that try to stereotype black people ie. Flavor of Love, that other show that had Flavor Flav on it (God, I hate that man!), The Parkers, etc. You haven't said anything nor do you know where to direct your trite insults. Get it together.

"Haven't you heard of the Emancipation Proclamation?"
"I don't listen to hip-hop."


"South Park is only clever if anything, not thought provoking." - you, "that heiress", that is a quote from you.

I argued that South Park IS thought provoking, and you specifically said "not thought provoking".

So how did you not "say anything bad about the show", when you clearly said, "not thought provoking" and my entire argument was that it was?

How is it that I "haven't said anything nor do you know where to direct your trite insults." when my entire post was dedicated to arguing that it was thought provoking, while not simply responding with an opinion, but actually listing and citing books written entirely because of South Park, thereby proving that in at least those instances, thoughts were provoked.

I completely and utterly responded to you and I did it without simply arguing an opinion, I provided facts and logic.

Yes I insulted, but my insults were very specific, not trite. I specifically responded to you.

But you have found yourself not even able to acknowledge what I wrote, and you simply pretend after the fact that you weren't anywhere near insulting South Park.

In reality, I never said you were insulting South Park, I said you were saying it wasn't thought provoking, and you literally did write that.

I absolutely addressed that in my argument 100%. I wasn't off topic.

I find it interesting that although you have completely ignored my evidence, you continue to simultaneously bash South Park and claim I "haven't said anything".

You take this further by trying to insult me in implying that I am the one who was "thought provoked" and maybe in this way you were simply saying you weren't. But that's not what you intended, you wanted to insult me by suggesting that I was incapable of thinking without South Park. This is a fallacious argument based on absolutely nothing. My evidence wasn't books and news that I wrote, it was books and news that MANY people wrote. Without even considering that some of those books or articles might have been concise, intelligent writing, you simply ignored them and attacked me. But I never even argued from a personal position. If you want to say that every person who has ever been "thought provoked" by South Park must be so dumb that they can't think for themselves, then go ahead, but your ignorance to their writings prove you to be the real fool.


Because I don't think South Park is thought provoking, and you seem to think so, doesn't mean I've insulted the show. That's my opinion. So once again, go play somewhere.

And as for the books written on South Park, I stated previously that you will be hard pressed to find books written on any black show. And not the insanely disrespectful shows that set black people back 200 years. But I see you disregarded that.

And if it took South Park to do an episode on a certain topic for you to actually think about that topic, then yes, I would say that you need to start reading and expanding your intake on issues of the world. That was my point.

And finally, calling me a fool doesn't make you intelligent.

"They say I talk with so much emphasis. Ohhh they so sensitive.""


You not being provoked by South Park is an opinion. You act like your personal opinion is fact. It isn't. I've proven people find it thought provoking.

As for black shows? Not responding to you on that, because I don't disagree with you. I was only pointing out your opinion on South Park, was just that.

"if it took South Park to do an episode on a certain topic"

There's your inability to get past your own opinion.

Communication is beneficial, because you can think all the thoughts you want on a subject, and still someone with a different perspective might come along and teach you something new.

It is a hallmark of a wise person to look for intelligent ideas from all over. You seem to celebrate being closed minded. It isn't shameful to learn from others.

Your point about me needing to read more is implicitly ignorant. For you to pound that out as your final point does make you at least malicious.

You literally have no idea how many books I've read, or where I've gone in life. You base your assertion that I need to read more, because I clearly defined that people find South Park thought provoking. Does that prove me ignorant in your book? I can't help but think that makes you a fool. You are prejudiced.


I didn't say anything about facts. You put that in there.

You've only proven that SOME people find South Park thought-provoking. I bet there are some people that find Rock of Love provoking. But you won't find me agreeing with them. So what are you really trying to prove?

"I know what you're looking at, Mary. And Jesus does too!"

And yes, if it did take an episode of South Park for you to think about some of these issues that I would say you need to expand your frame of mind. Opinion or fact, you still need to do it.

How am I closed minded? I didn't insult the show. I didn't say anything about the show. I stated how I felt about it and your comments. So that makes me close minded how?

If you think I'm malicious for stating my opinion then my reply to that is grow a backbone. I'm pretty sure someone has said something way worse to you than "read a book". And if they haven't, they will.

I don't know how many books you've read nor do I really give a damn. You could read all the books in the world for all I care. My opinion still will not have changed because you have yet to say something that is worthy of me taking a second thought.

Explain how I'm prejudiced? Am I prejudiced against people I think are stupid? Am I prejudiced against South Park? What are you even saying?

And lastly, like I said before, saying I'm a fool hasn't changed anything. You still need to read a book HAHAHA


I kind've agree that it is Chocolate News is a One-Trick pony.

Come on, it's a afro-centric show, that continues with blacks whining about god knows what these days.

The wiggers segment, come on! How many times have we seen this BS on TV.

I think it's a good try, and admit I thought the name itself was funny. But in comparison to the Daily Show, Cobert Report and even Dave Chappelle, he ain't funny one bit.

I watch an entire show, and I couldn't really laugh at this stale s--t.


Well from the title you shouldn't be complaining. what did you expect? it is called "chocolate news". so the show will be about chocolate news. DUUUUHHHHH!!!!!

this is not the last you have seen of candelabra!!!



I totally agree with you Demon... I don't understand the misunderstanding...

i love me



To be honest, the fact that you don't know how to appreciate South Park on a higher lever is a little sad.

It's ingenious

Christians, Republicans, and Nazis. Oh my!



How about the very idea of Towelie?

South Park is criticized for doing nothing but creating marketable characters, so what do they do? They create the single worst character to market. A talking towel.


A group that will only give information if you pay tons of money, so the south park guys create a story that is so absurd, leaves everyone else out of the production credits and says "If you can prove that none of this is true, then go ahead and sue."

South Park is involved in every wake of society. It has seriously made me think about issues that I had not thought about previously.

Christians, Republicans, and Nazis. Oh my!



Oh, I didn't realize I was dealing with a fvcking genius. I'm sorry I failed to recognize that you are better than everyone. I mean, if I was as smart as you, I would know that a quick look through your past posts would show me how incredibly smart you are.

How does it feel to be a cliche?

What would you say is thought-provoking, in terms of televison, film, or fiction novels? Or do you not like pondering over anything someone else created?

Christians, Republicans, and Nazis. Oh my!




South Park thought-provoking? What??

It's good for laughs but seriously wtf are you guys on.


I thought this was the "Chocolate News" board, not South Park.

"Emotions are like toys, you play with them until they're useless then discard them in the trash.


You should read my previous reply that completely answers your idiotic assertion, because you are so incredibly snide I'm going to assume you're trolly enough to come back here for a fight. I welcome your "thoughts".


