MovieChat Forums > The Prisoner (2009) Discussion > The Prisoner – the REAL Prisoner with Pa...

The Prisoner – the REAL Prisoner with Patrick McGoohan is a masterpiece

The Prisoner – the REAL Prisoner with Patrick McGoohan is a masterpiece, set against a backdrop of the cold war, the threat of nuclear self destruction, the misuse of foreign and domestic surveillance, the pacification of free human beings, (which has since come true today and becoming more prevalent than ever) and in the company of other such classic companions as John Le Carre, George Orwell, and Ray Bradbury, is it any wonder they targeted it as an unlocked gas cap for their own siphoning?

Thank goodness Haley Atwell’s “boobs” made it all worth while.

In all fairness I will point out that at the very least the did pay homage to the original with a few well placed references.

For God’s sake, see the original and remember it the next time you swipe your ID card.

Be seeing you.


Couldn't agree more as you'll probably find - I've posted on a few threads so far. Being a female not with you on Hayley's chest but Mr C is very easy on the eye!


I’ve only seen episode one but I’ll guess that an array of modern fears and concerns; such as CCTV, 90 days detention, Guantanamo, extraordinary rendition, war against terror, are hardly touched upon.


There are the two towers shimmering in the distance - the Twin Towers?


I didn’t think about the Twin Towers analogy; perhaps they need a sign post-Heavy handed metaphor this way!


the REAL Prisoner with Patrick McGoohan is a masterpiece
Yes we all know that, I don't think you'll find anyone to argue the contrary.

This is not a sig. It's just so you don't think the last line of my post was a sig.


"the REAL Prisoner with Patrick McGoohan is a masterpiece

Yes we all know that, I don't think you'll find anyone to argue the contrary. "

I disagree with that. I prefer this new version over that tedious Brit version.


I hated it far to campy! Sorry....



Never watched the original so no comments in it.

I have to say this thing is confusing me to hell. I haven't a clue whats going on at all. But I am enjoying it none the less.



Agreed, Mr. Big!

The only thing that made this re-boot worth watcching was the amazing breasts on Ms. Haley Atwell.

Other than that, stick with the original series.

Live Full & Die Empty. Tap Your Potential and Realise Your Dreams!


In theory there is no reason why the Prisoner cannot be rebooted and stand with the original. This was not it.

Its that man again!!


It has been a while since I first saw the original. I'd been running into references to it in music I listened to, books I read and films that I watched. I like the series a lot. They're both timeless and outdated, I like the message and the stoneage scifi. The only thing is that some episodes are somewhat superfluous. The series could have been shorter. I've seen the series two or three times now. Then I heard about an American remake (sigh), first that was to be a film, then a series. Of course I have seen all the rants about the remake, but I was curious enough to get me the series. Yesterday we watched episodes 1 and 2.

They're not great, but I'm not greatly disappointed, probably because I had no expectations whatsoever. I like the references to the original (the arched bedroom, the weird suits and silly shoes, etc.). Some typical elements have been taken out (the weird control room to name one), others strangely saved (the second version of Rover which was initially to be a UFO and then became a weather balloon which didn't kill by the way), other things added (2's family, the psychiatrists, the many flashbacks). Also the village looks much more cosey with pups and a bus tour. I wonder if 2 will again be a rotating occupation.

So far, I'm not disappointed. Try not to see it as a remake, just another film based on the same book or something. What I read is that the episodes get better and since there are only six of them...

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