Adrian Brody miscast?

Did anyone else think Adrian Brody wasn't right for this movie? I just didn't buy him in the role at all.



You know, I think that he was alright. I'm not a huge Brody fan. By no means was he terrible, and I wouldn't say he was fantastic. It was just an okay job. Then again, I'm not that familiar with Chess, so maybe Brody didn't exactly nail the impression. But I did think the film was put together very well, and it did have a good cast.



Adrien Brody - in my opinion, is such a bad actor


Really? Because a lot of film critics consider The Pianist to be one of the greatest movies of all time with one of the greatest performances of all time. Just because you don't like someone doesn't mean there's nothing to appreciate about their work. For example...I can't stand most of Dave Matthews music but he's one talented guy.

"I don't want Fop, Goddammit! I'm a Dapper Dan man!"



The characterization of “Chess” was all wrong as well as being off-note, not credible, a continuous annoyance, sour taste, etc. The totally queer vibe off the character was potent enough to destroy the “fourth wall.” This was certainly the product of bad direction, bad screenplay. Was this bad acting? I do not know. But the character was not close to credible as a music “promoter” – “producer.” The character was not recognizable at all; did not make sense. Have you ever know someone who was at all like that? It was if an alien (a lame alien) has taken human form but had no clue regarding human sensibility, affect, etc. Yucch!
