please ive seen this when it came out and i still dont know what the dang package is ????? help please????




Randolph just THINKS Chuck has 'the package' (remember Rosie said to him 'What makes you say he has the package?')


*Chuck said he was in the hospital

*Rufus said he misses him

Randolph heard all this, and this makes it clear that both Chuck and Rufus were/are in a relationship. BUT, when they were on the phone, Chuck never said ANYTHING to Rufus about a package.

It can't be AIDS. I think Randolph is just jumping to conclusions. Chuck must have been in an accident, or may have got beaten up.


"It can't be AIDS. I think Randolph is just jumping to conclusions. Chuck must have been in an accident, or may have got beaten up." purdah2003

In the black community "The Package" is known as HIV or AIDS. Whenever you hear "Package" or "Ninja", those are code words for HIV or AIDS. Chuck is in the hospital due to the disease! Trust me, that is what the package means!


^^ You got a point, but in some places "the package" also means "d*ck"

And remember, when Randolph was talking to Rosie...he did say he got the "BIIIIGGG" package...and motioned his hands to represent size....

1. If it is d*ck, then how would Randolph know its "big"
2. The "package" could mean just that "he got the package" or for those that are slow, "he got some d*ck"


If "he got some d*ck" is the answer, then why was everyone so interested. Most people on the phone (in Chapter 22) already knew.

More importantly, why am I arguing you, using real logic, when this movie had a guy say "Chuck, I'll call you later" and his wife say, "Who was that?" and R. Kelly continuously try to calm down Twan in the diner, but pull a gun on two chicks just because they kissed.

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Could be pictures of Chuck & Rufus??

"Peace and love"


If chapter 22 was the last one, do you think since the trials are over he will finish them? I sat up watching all of them last night for them not to show what the package is, and I did not know that its aids in the black community. What else could it be?

Do whatever it takes, by any means necessary


its a chicago term the package is aids or hiv

Im the man


The black ppl in Chicago I guess, I never heard it.



I've never heard the term "package" used for AIDS, but that's what I figured it was anyway, thinking "package" was the envelope containing the HIV-positive results from the hospital. Plus that Chuck's in the hospital and how nervous everyone was on the phone.


black ppl in the south call diabetes "the sugar"


I think the "package" is either A.I.D.S., H.I.V., or an S.T.D..
