Funniest line

When Betty White was essentially feeling up Sandra's small breasts, asking "Where are they," I was cracking up. As a small breasted woman myself, I could totally relate. But I thought the whole situation was hilarious!

I intend to live forever.
So far, so good.


This is one of the funniest movies I've seen in years. It takes a lot to get me to do more than smile, but I was literally laughing out loud watching this movie!

The scene in the woods had me crying with mirth


"Why are you wet?????"


Hence, the boat.


One of my favourite lines is Ryan Reynolds saying 'yep', when Sandra B. asks him if his eyes are closes (she is wearing her pyjamas).

Just the way he delivers it, in between the lines saying 'i couldn't care less' :)


Their "rap" by the campfire in the morning as Betty White is in Indian garb..I mean...Native American garb with the "ball" reference..and Ryan harassing Sandra first as she is climbing down and second when they are on the shore on the ass and Sandra rebukes him (as her boss!)

Finally Sandra before leaving for Alaska saying "AH-Lasha-Ahh".

Sandra to Ryan:"Your wagon is hitched to MINE."


Not the baby maker
