Kat's mgmt style

Do you think its for the show that Kat seems so indecisive and has to get everyone's input before making a decision OR do you think that's how she actually runs her businesses? It just seems so passive aggresive. If she doesn't have the balls to have the balls she needs to hire someone to do so.


i think she makes the decision but she doesn't want to add to the tension by adding corey back if no one wants him

~You sound like a country song. If you had a dog, he'd be run over by now.~


She is a junior high drop out and has absolutely no idea how to run a business. She has people who handle her real business, i.e., her and her brand. If her shop was real life, she would have easily been sued more than once by now for her abusive tactics with her employees and the way she fires people. Basically, she is playing house. It's completely unrealistic.


People can sue you for firing them? Since when? The last time I checked if you own your own business you can fire the sht out of anyone for anything. Last time I checked this wasn't a communist country. AMERICA!!!!FCK YEAH!!!!!!

Like Matrix, I fight for love.


Depending on the circumstances, and not just the easy ones like race or religion, yes you can sue someone for firing you if it was clearly out of line. Communism has absolutely nothing to do with the matter.


You can even get sued for giving someone a bad reference. A lot of companies don't give references anymore - other than to confirm that the person did work there and for how long - because of fear of lawsuits.


People can sue you for firing them? Since when?
People can sue over anything, doesn't mean they'll win. Problem is most companies settle instead of going to court to avoid expense - that just gives more reason to file a frivilous lawsuit because you may get paid even if you don't deserve to.

Texas is an at will state meaning they can fire anytime for any reason - doesn't stop people from suing when they're let go. I doubt California is an at will state, they can't even fire state employees when the state is broke and can't pay them!


California is very much an at-will state, sorry to say!


Have you never worked a day in your life? You should try it some time.

This is how abusive/racist/sexist/bully/etc etc etc bosses or employers are kept in check. Owning your own business does not allow for abuse of your employees or any other human beings for that matter.

It's a great method of checks and balances, but for human beings. Owning your own business does NOT allow for abuse of other human beings, and this is a great way of keeping employers in check! And vice versa of course...
