MovieChat Forums > La zona (2007) Discussion > What do Mexicans think about this movie?

What do Mexicans think about this movie?

I just wonder what Mexicans think about "La Zona" and is this movie popular in Mexico?
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Inland Revolution.


not THAT popular and I thought it was a pretentious mess. it tries to be a film that don't judge any of the sides and just shows the story however it ends being a pretentious soap opera. 1/10


Unfortunately it's not very popular and as you can see from the previous comment most of the people here don't watch Mexican films due to their strong prejudice against them, most of the filmgoers don't actually have nor possess tools for constructive criticism and just bash a movie labeling it as a "soap opera" just because it's "made in mexico" see, we live in a surreal country were we'd rather praise any Hollywood film no matter how crappy it is, than admitting the quality and effort put to any thing made in mexico, in the meantime mexican films get more appreciation outside, like in europe, which is positive. I think this movie has it's flaws but is one of the most powerful mexican movies I've seen in a while. But then again, I'm not your typical mexican nor filmgoer.


first of all I'm from Mexico City then I don't have any *beep* prejudice againts Mexican films and I'm sure I have seen more Mexican cinema than you. However I stongly dislike films like La Zona, in my city if you don't like Mexican films then you're a *beep* ignorant who can't understand that if you don't watch them you are not supporting your country and simply I dislike that, this film feels so fake, it is made by people who are the ones with most prejudices, the ones who think of you as a non cult person because you don't watch their films. I just say *beep* it, I prefeer to watch any films of el Santo or Blue Demon than this kind of films made by peoplewho just want to get recognized in Cannes or Venice to return to Mexico with the flag of "hey I WON in Europe then if you dislike my film you certainly don't know anything of cinema". Does El Topo won in Cannes?

Is just like the totally overrated Reigadas and I supose you love his films , certainly I preefer any day a Guillermo del Toro picture! Oh and you consider Alcazar as a great actor then I can't argue with you any more.


Ha ha, watching a film to support a country.



Well, just to answer "eric canalla", I´m not gonna start here a childish discussion about "I´ve seen more films than you" and blahblah, I happen to be a film student on my last semester so you guessed right: I´ve seen lots of films; that stated, this is a forum to give OPINIONS, I´m also Mexican, and there are people who like some movies and some others don´t, does that make them good or bad? Not necessarily, because there´s no such thing as an absolute truth -we probably now that already-; however, there is a very famous word in our country which is "Malinchismo", which is something most -not all- of our average fellow mexican filmgoer has plenty of. I´ve been outside a cinema complex where I´ve heard more than once the expression "no, I don´t wanna see the Mexican movie, it probably sucks", we go to see a crap Hollywood movie and we say "estuvo dominguera" which means the movie was pretty bad but still we wouldn´t mind spending a buck to watch another one similar anytime anywhere no matter how bad it is, and we misjudge certain mexican films just beacuse they´re mexican: "it´s a soap opera", without any sustantiable judgment. Anyway, I´m not gonna convince anyone of anything, I am only stating my humble opinion, I liked this movie, does that make me an intellectual or an ignorant? I don´t think so. Next time, try avoiding your *bleep* remarks and don´t take it personally, in the end, it´s just a movie.

And yes, by the way, I think Damian Alcazar is one of the greatest actors out there, and I´d be thrilled to work with him some day, so burn me at the stake if you will.



For what its worth im English and ive got to say I really enjoyed this film. I dont understand what there is to dislike about it, its well acted , well paced with good direction and poses some interesting moral questions. Im a big fan of foreign cinema and this has certainly made me want to check out more mexican cinema. Can you recommend any other good mexican films you think would be available in england for me to watch ??


El Violin is one of the best Mexican films I've seen. Since it won lots of awards, it is probably available in England.


the statement "there is no absolute truth" is in itself an absolute statement claiming to be true and is thus contradictory. there is an absolute truth -- we just don't know what it is.
esse quam videri.


I think you're unfair in your opinion my friend, I'm Egyptian by the way and I love this movie because I'm not consider it a Mexican movie who talk about Mexican people or who lives in Mexico and the difference between the residents of the hills or classy compounds and people of suburbs or poor hostile hoods, the subject discuss very important morale the justice and law enforcement who can make justice and how? do anyone can enforce law and be the judge and the executioner in the same time? this questions are international a world wide subject should be formed in Italian, french, Japanese, Egyptian, Brazilian movie.

I like to watch it again

Islam Farhood, Portsaid-EGYPT


It's one of the best mexican thrillers ever, as simple as that.


Y para eric_canalla: No te gustó que te cantaran tu precio correcto, pero la verdad eres un malinchista de la peor calaña. Mira que afirmar que ni Diego ni Gael saben actuar! No serán Mastroianni ni De Niro, pero por alguna razón Scorsese, Van Sant, Spielberg, Jarmusch, Almodóvar, y demás cineastas mundialmente reconocidos los han buscado, no? ¿o es que a esos directores les gusta trabajar con malos actores? ja! deja de decir tarugadas!
Por cierto no me sorprende nada que digas que el mejor filme del negro Iñárritu es 21 gramos, precisamente el único de sus filmes que no hace un comentario social sobre México, ¿coincidencia? nahh.
Definitivamente tú de cine sabes un carajo y a las pruebas me remito. Sólo basta ver tus afirmaciones payasescas y tus criticas trespesinas.
Mira que calificar esta pelicula con 1/10 ufff!

La zona al final de cuentas es un film que trata provocar alguna reacción en el espectador, no es un filme inerte como tantas películas gringas muy espectaculares pero que no le dicen nada a nadie, que no hablan de nada, cintas que sólo sirven para desconectarte del mundo por 2 horas para luego ser tiradas en el retrete de la memoria.
La zona por otro lado te deja pensando, pensando sobre lo que has visto y cuestionándote tus propios valores. Cuando una cinta hace eso y además te entretiene es un éxito en todos los sentidos.
Pero hay tipos con la piel muy delgada que quizas ven reflejadas sus fobias en cintas como esta y no les gusta nada lo que ven. No les gusta verse en ese espejo. ¿por qué será?
