Anyone know when it comes out

all you weed smoking people anyone know when this movie comes out?


None of the film crew smoke weed ironically enough, but we will be doing the film festival circut for the next 6 months to a year, so we;ll keep you updated with what festival will be closest to you. And then were hoping for a theatrical release, but if not staright to DVD hopfully before next summer,


^^ Hey, what's up from Kelowna ..... Congrats on the film.


So we have to wait 1year for the dvd release(2008) ?


Could be sooner, were doing the film festival run until close to x-mas, then there should be a distrabution deal in place and depends on the distributor. But things could happen right after summer.


I'm glad no one on your crew smokes marijuana. Rules out the possibility of being biased. Looking forward to the film and I can't tell you how much the world needs to see this.


I need to watch this film

Shut Up!
- Denzel Washington


So any update on when this comes out on DVD or?
