Just watched it on Netflix.. awesome

I am not a pot smoker only because I dont want to get thrown in jail. If I had access to it I would use to to help my appetite because I am underweight and sometimes have problems with trying to GAIN weight. So watching this movie I learned so much about how legalizing it would help so many people and the corrupt Government that is keeping it down. Great job on the Documentary.


I can't smoke it either since I cannot inhale any smoke, let alone nicotine, it makes me cough too much. But if I could get it in cookie/butter form, I would use it since I have severe back pain which is not significantly aided by any pharmaceutical product I've tried.

***So I've seen 4 movies/wk in theatre for a 1/4 century, call me crazy?**


There is no nicotine in marijuana. You could use a vaporizer :)They burn the bud (usually dampened with water) at such a high temperature that it produces vapor rather than smoke. It's real strong.


I know there's no nicotine in cannabis! LOL But I am looking into the vaporiser option.

***So I've seen 4 movies/wk in theatre for a 1/4 century, call me crazy?**


No... vaporizers use a lower temperature and DO NOT BURN the bud. That's the whole point. Vaporizers heat to a temperature high enough to "vaporize" the active ingredients while low enough to not burn the plant material that you don't need to be smoking. That's why it doesn't turn into ash like when you smoke it with a lighter.


Agreed. I just watched it on Nflix myself and I was pleasantly surprised. This was a fairly adept peice of documentary filmmaking. Not quite as fair as I would have liked (fair as in minimization of bias) but pretty good.

Gaming, Atheism, Science, Philosophy, Rants:


Some guy I know that this movie claims that weed was legal in the US until 1970. I was in high school in 1970, so I know he's mistaken.

What's in the movie to make him think otherwise?


What an enlightening movie! I suffer from diabetic neuropathy. At times the pain is very severe. To combat this, I am on 10/325 hydrocodone ten times a day.
This is nearly a lethal amount, in fact, I have to keep track of how many pills I take and when I take them to keep from overdosing. In recent months, I have been told to consider medical marijuana in place of the hydrocodone by 3 different doctors/nurses. But my state does not allow it's citizens to use THIS drug to treat pain. So I have to stay on something, that should I forget to record my usage, can be fatal. (I bet the drug reps wouldn't even come to my funeral.) I wish those law makers could experience my pain for a day. (Even with 100mg per day of hydrocodone, not all the pain is releaved.)
