MovieChat Forums > Legion (2010) Discussion > Anti-abortion propaganda

Anti-abortion propaganda

Okay after wasting my time watching this movie, I felt like all this was anti-abortion propaganda. Either way, a terrible film. Just really that bad.


Yes, I too was wondering if it had been sponsored by the pro-lifers and evangelists...though it started well I thought, just went downhill rather quickly after Gramma gets offed...


Yes, I too was wondering if it had been sponsored by the pro-lifers and evangelists

Seriously? You thought evangelists would have had something to do with this garbage? Angels who act like demons and a God who wants to wipe out a baby, yet can't somehow?

What do you think evangelists are?


People who believe the stories printed in a volume called the bible. I rest my case.;-)

Last time I checked evangelist circles were legion ;-), and differing, and of course full of well-meaning people, and why not some who would conceive of such a story?;-)


winking emoticons does not make you look smarter, just more of an ass really.... and I totally am 100% for what you're talking just sound like one of those really "smarter than thou" atheist who ruin our image... so shut the fvck up


Love you too, winking, just :-)



yes! you are so right but do not waste your time throwing pearls to the swine.


Because God has never ever wanted to wipe out people before and his angels have never done the damage?


I don't think the film is intelligent or well thought out enough to be propaganda.

But I have to say, I don't think anybody is pro abortion. I am pro choice, and If I could choose for these people, I'd choose for them to abstain from sex or properly wear a condom and get the morning after pill if it breaks. I am pro education and the right a women has over her body. But I would hope people keep making wise choices for themselves and would not resort to an abortion just because passion wouldn't allow for protection or intelligence to be used immediately before and after. For rape, I think the birth of the child is in a sense an abomination though. I sure wouldn't want to adopt a baby of incest/rape as there likely could be serious issues with said child. If the mother chooses to keep it though, I just hope that person gets a lot of psychiatric attention to ensure they don't follow in their father's genetic footsteps.

Back to the movie:
I see some viewers claim it was trying to make Christianity cool, and I see others claim it incorrectly shows god and his angels.
It sure makes god appear to be mentally ill (bipolar). Which I can get from my understandings of stories in the bible.
Not sure if the writer meant to make god look like that to ridicule the idea or let us know how close we are to making god lose hope in us. Either way, I think the story was poorly told, and it made god look like he doesn't need satan, because he is plenty evil enough. Which I see in some bible stories, that this god allows evil things done in his name. Dehumanization of women, plagues, floods, eternal damnation, etc. So it doesn't sound completely ridiculous in the mythology context of the god character. Just doesn't sound like a loving god, but many people say they believe in an angry god, so I think Christians could debate the whole idea and it's plausibility in terms of what god they believe in.
I very much think everybody invents their own god in their head, so many could see this as offensive or as a warning. I find it neither, as I don't believe in either god. It can only be interesting to me as another other fantasy story, except one thing. I certainly don't hear a lot about any mythology as much as I hear about Christian mythology, so it comes off trite to me. Almost obnoxious as these filmmakers assume I am a Christian that is irked by such a story, and wont hesitate to rehash the same Christian horror themes. I am tired of the possession/satanist horror films that come out again and again. I think very few of them can rise above it's mission to scare Christians.


As an agnostic, I find it odd for anyone to be proud of having a pro-institutional infanticide belief. Yet dismiss anyone who has a problem with said belief as a kook.


It kind of wasn't for or against. Remember when Michael says the baby shouldn't have been born, Suggesting God was ok with her having the abortion because he wanted the human race gone and there to be no last hope. He also sent his angels to kill the baby. That's not a pro life God if you ask me.


Here's me playing a small violin for you TS. It's ok to cry, even if it's about stupid sh-t.


pro life, anti abortion? you say that like its a bad thing


It is, but someone who hasn't seen communism doesn't know these kind of stuff.

Feel your heart beat.
