MovieChat Forums > The King of Fighters (2010) Discussion > An american playing Kyo Kusanagi?

An american playing Kyo Kusanagi?

If anything it should have been Shin Koyamada, he would have been the best to play Kyo Kusanagi and Sean Farris would have been better suited to play someone like Robert Garcia! And also I don't completely agree with Will Yun Lee as Iori Yagami, I always thought he'd be good as Kim Kap Hwan, as they are both Korean and experts in Tae Kwon Do. I always thought Andy Lau would have been good as Iori Yagami, because he looks so much like him.

Terry Bogard; my favourite character in the entire series, I will leave it to see how he is played but I would have thought Channing Tatum would have been better cast as him.

I am not holding too much high expectations as I am expwecting it to be in the same league of DOA!


Shin Koyamada as Kyo would be priceless...


It's absolutely f_uckin disgusting. Hollywood prides itself on supposedly being a super-liberal place, yet they're just as racist (if not moreso) than the south or w/e other areas people say are bad.

I'm going to shove coal so far up your stocking you'll be coughing up diamonds!


What is this yellowface *beep*


Jon Foo as Kyo. Look at him in his role as Jin in "Tekken."


Did you know Hollywood even gave Jackie Chan a bad time in Hollywood when he first started out?
