worst movie ever made

KOF movie is a waste of time and it is one of the worst movies ever made the actors don't look like their counter parts Mai and Terry are CIA agents bulls**t
Ray Park as Rugal rubbish Dolph Lundgren should have taken that role and Sean Faris does not look like Kyothey have should had got a Japanese actor to play Kyo. The producers were all Asian and Gordon Chan ruined all directions and the story and plot is rubbish it doesn't follow to the games Maggie Q doesn't look right for Mai and why the hell did they make this film.
The King Of Fighters is the worst movie and everybody knows it I don't why I
brother saying this but never mind the movie is bad


bother* Btw

As to it being the worst movie ever made. I haven't seen it yet, but I have to say, it'd have to be pretty bad to top Human Centipede as the very worst movie ever made.

---"Welcome to my nation!" Urei Pracrastei---


In reply to my previous comment. I have seen this movie now, and it is pretty bad. However I still say "Human Centipede" is much much worse. Some movies are so bad that they are good again. That movie, was so bad it surpassed the second good altogether, and passed on to bad again. It was the seven layer dip of bad.

---"Welcome to my nation!" Urei Pracrastei---


The producers were all Asian and Gordon Chan ruined all

The Kof series has the highest asian fanbase. It's big in Japan, Korea, Taiwan, China, Singapore etc.
It's pretty popular in South East asia as well (Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand etc). Pretty much ALL of asia as I said before.

Having asian producers/directors etc you'd think these people would be able to cater to the market and actually get the story done properly AND cast an asian person to play the proper lead.

Instead they chose to act like typical "white" hollywood and cast a non asian person to play and asian role.

Before anyone tries to defend and say BS like: "Even in the games, Kyo has brown hair and Benimaru is blonde etc"

There's a reason for that.
Japanese have a fixation for western people. they like their Japanese chars to look "white" rather than asian.
Just look at Super Saiyan Goku/Vegeta etc. They have dark hair in their base form (appearing asian), but in their superior saiyan forms they have blonde hair and blue eyes.

btw I know that Benimaru according to Kof Storyline is a Japanese American thus explaining why he has blonde hair and blue eyes. I'm just mentioning him because even if he was complete Japanese, it's not uncommon for Japanese designers to make their JP characters look "western" even though they are supposed to be completely Japanese.

Maggie Q doesn't look right for Mai

Whoever casted her are a bunch of lazy morons. In Die Hard 4, she played a character called Mai.
In almost certain that was what made them consider her for the role. They didn't look very far.

Maggie Q as Mai is actually worse than Devon Aoki playing Kasumi in DoA.
Both of them have the wrong personality for the characters they're playing, but at least Aoki looks abit like Kasumi.
Maggie Q's only resemblance to Mai is that they have long straight hair and being "asian looking".

To be fair, Maggie Q was ok in this movie but nothing at all like Mai in the games.


>Aoki looks abit like Kasumi

Elaborate please.


Elaborate please.

Don't try to nitpick and set me up for an argument/debate over one little comment you nerdy f--khead.

I never said Aoki was great as kasumi or fit the role well, but in comparison to maggie Q as Mai I personally found her to be better.

But to answer your question:

At least in the DOA movies they "tried" to make her look like kasumi by giving her red hair and similar looking outfits as in the games.

In the kof movie. Mai looks and acts absolutely nothing like in the games.



No, Aoki was actually not "given red hair" in the film.

Find 10 differences:

http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-43Dvg4i0ahg/TiVLQNLWmSI/AAAAAAAACUE/89AyoHbV 4FI/s1600/Devon+Aoki_Kasumi_+Dead+or+Alive+%25281%2529.jpg


As I said. You're a nitpicking nerdy ****.
So what if I used the wrong choice of words such as "given"?

So DoA kasumi and movie Aoki's bikini don't match in the DOA movie.
So what?? am I supposed to care?

I was talking about the blue outfit she normally wears. They tried to match that to the movie although the design for it isn't 100% accurate to the games, at least you can still tell they tried to make it look similar to the game.


If you're implying her hair is not red in the movie.. who really gives a damn?


Are you really so stupid, or are you trying to troll? :D


Btw: Blocked for apparent color blindness and rampant retardation :)


If this movie was made overseas they would get it right.
