MovieChat Forums > The King of Fighters (2010) Discussion > How the plot should have been.

How the plot should have been.

Okay, I seen some clips of the movie and I'm outright dissapointed that they just took bits and pieces of the games and used it for their own weird original plot with alternate dimension, not to mention being a bit too "literal" with the three sacred treasures and Terry being a frigging cop. So I decided to go over some points on what it should of been like.

-The plot would take elements from KOF 95, 96, and 97; once again centering on a team based tournament hosted by Rugal, attempting to find the best fighters as sacrifices for him to obtain the power of Orochi.
-The focus would be on four of eight teams entering, the first being Kyo's team who consists of him, Chizuru, and Shingo. Chizuru wants to make sure Kyo fulfills his destiny, but Kyo's more determined in finding out about his father's recent dissapearence.
-The second team of focus would be Iori's team consisting of himself, Vice, and Mature. Iori is as usual intent on fighting Kyo, while Vice and Mature are sent by Rugal to keep tabs on Iori. The movie could probably open with Kyo and Iori having a quick fight before vowing to settle things at the King of Fighters tournament.
-The third would be the Fatal Fury team consisting of Terry, Andy, and Mai. Terry's group enters the tournament after hearing rumors that Rugal knows of the man who killed Terry and Andy's father. There will be some passing nods to Geese, but that sub-plot won't factor in too heavily.
-The fourth would be the Art of Fighting team, consisting of Ryo, Robert, and King. They enter because Rugal has had Yuri kidnapped to extort Robert for money, taking a few elements from the plot from the first Art of Fighting game.
-Other teams that would have quick cameos would be the Ikari Warriors, Psycho Soldiers, Kim's team, and even the USA Sports Team. Athena would have a quick cameo performing a concert during half-time. Most teams would have quick fights with the main teams of focus.
-Towards the end there will be a series of fights involving characters from the main teams. A brainwashed Saisyu Kusanagi would fight Chizuru, Mai, King, and even Yuri after she's rescued. (Ladies Team, FTW!) Saisyu would end up being killed by Rugal shortly after coming to his sense, giving Kyo reason to settle things with him.
-Vice and Mature would turn on the others and they would fight Robert and Andy.
-On Rugal's orders, Vice and Mature would help trigger the Orochi blood in Iori so he goes into Riot of the Blood. After those two fight Robert and Andy, Vice and Mature would be killed by Iori. Kyo, Terry, and Ryo would be forced to join up together in order to hold off Iori until he comes to his senses.
-The final fight would be Kyo, Iori, and Chizuru facing off against Rugal, who has now channeled the power of Orochi. At this moment an orchestral version of Kyo's original theme from KOF 96 would play in the background. The team would finish off Rugal in a similar fashion as they finished off Orochi in KOF 97.
-Shingo would of course be comic relief and be left behind, but he would help in rescuing Yuri.
-After the main ending, there would be a scene where it is shown that Rugal had a connection to an organization known as NESTS.
-Also everyone would be played by who their nationality is and there would be no freaking flaming swords.

I doubt film-makers would ever make an effort to put something true to the game with this much in live-action form, but could work as an anime if nothing else.


That plot of the film you Mentioned should a tournament style with the elements of KOF 95, 96, and 97 and also with from the movie Best of The Best.


Here is my take on my very own "King of Fighters: Battle Dome" graphic novel. Just a little heads-up: I have bent and twisted some stuff from the original game series much to my appeal. IDK if y'all will like this, though. OK. Here goes nothing.


It is the year 201X. Angel City (formerly known as South Town) has been taken over by crime syndicates led by Rugal Bernstein (with Geese Howard, Wolfgang Krauser, and Mr. Big as his chief lieutenants). The members of the city's law enforcement agency, headed by Police Commissioner Samuel Heidern (a former Army Delta Force senior officer), have tried their best to deter the city's growing economic and social crisis due to business corruption, urban gang wars, and protester riots that have occurred as a result. As Heidern is about to give up hope on ridding the city of endless violence, he turns to legalization of vigilante of them notably the "Downtown Vanguards," a gang led by Kyo Kusanagi, a young musician, poet, MMA fighter, and master of 3 deadly arts (Muay Thai Kickboxing, Kusanagi Clan Flame Ninjutsu, & Gracie Jiujitsu) who disguises his training camp as a local kickboxing gym where he and his friends train. One day, the Four Figures of Death announced that there will be a fighting tournament held in the city as soon as an unofficial truce is set.

Some modifications:

- Yuki Kushinada, Kyo's original girlfriend from the game, becomes possessed with the Orochi through her romance with Iori and dons an alter ego Vice; she later becomes the archnemesis of Yuri Sakazaki.

- Yuri is Kyo's childhood sweetheart (which makes her the "Mary Jane" to Kyo's "Peter Parker"/"Spiderman," and the 2 eventually become lovers, which leads to Kyo's bitter yet comical rivalry with Robert

- Saisyu Kusanagi left Shizuka to raise Kyo alone in order to fulfill his dream of becoming a master Yakuza

- The Kusanagi & Yagami families come from a long line of rival Ninja clans (Kirishima & Yasakani) that discovered the power of the flame during Japan's Sengoku Jidai period

- Some characters' fighting styles have been changed. For example:

Kyo - Muay Thai/San Shou, Kirishima Ninjutsu, Brazilian Jiu-jitsu

Yuri - Rhythmic Kempo (self-taught combination of Kyokushin Karate, Tae Kwon Do, Judo, Gymnastics & Ballet)

Blue Mary - Sambo + Tae Kwon Do

King - Savate

The Ikari Team - Shorinji Kempo

Iori - Yasakani Ninjutsu + Shao Lin Kung Fu

- Kyo is a musician and lead singer of a band called "Eye of the Tiger"; he also owns and teaches in an MMA gym which he inherited from Saisyu

- Yuri owns a bar called "Spice Club" near the Santa Monica pier where Kyo's band performs during downtime; she is also an accomplished ballerina and gymnast who has a long-time crush on her best friend.

- The Battle Dome tournament occurs somewhere between '96 and '97

- Art of Fighting plot twist: When Yuri is kidnapped by Mr. Big, Kyo comes to her rescue instead of Robert & Ryo. On top of that, instead of his usual outfit, Kyo dresses up in his ancestor's white-grayish ninja outfit and equips himself with a ninja-to, bow & arrow, smoke bombs, & poison shurikens; in the showdown with Mr. Big, he doesn't fight wit his fists but, rather, uses his katana.

- South Town in Battle Dome is set in the future but should be modeled to respectively look like an 80's or 90's retro-style town to bring out the social issues that shaped that era.

- I've thought about adding elements from some movies, other games, and books like: "WARRIOR" (2011 MMA movie starring Tom Hardy and Joel Edgerton), "The Warriors," "Fist of the North Star," "Revenge of the Ninja," "Streets of Rage," the James Bond series, "Crying Freeman," "Kill Bill," "Kick-Ass," "Karate Kid," "Spider Man," "G Gundam," "Charlie's Angels," "Fight Club," & "Night at Roxbury" (aka What is Love, the movie)


Still sounds like they would have to change a lot, but I would take your idea over what they ended up with any day.


I think the OP's plot sounds pretty decent.

I hate it when VG movies are made and have nothing to do with the original game's plot or character portrayal mainly because the movie makers are just d**kheads who wanted to make money and didn't really care about the source material.


Hi. I just thought I'd share some ideas.

==Fighting Styles (MMA modified mostly)==
**Just a sample of what some of the characters would use**

Kyo: Kirishima Ninjutsu, Muay Thai, Brazilian Jiujitsu, Hap Ki Do, Penjak Silat

Yuri: kickboxing-modified Kyokugen Karate, Judo, Kendo

Athena: Wu Shu

Shingo: Kirishima Ninjutsu, Muay Thai, Brazilian Jiujitsu

Terry: American Kenpo, Brazilian Jiujitsu

==Settings & Elements==

- Kyo and YURI are childhood sweethearts growing up in Japan and Los Angeles; they form 2 kickboxing crime-fighting gangs: Kyo forms the Segundo Shoguns, and Yuri forms the Santa Monica Geishas (a little influence from "The Warriors")

- Rugal Bernstein declares an underground fight club/tournament with hopes of "reuniting" all gangs of Los Angeles/South Town (again, another reference from "The Warriors" and also from Brad Pitt's "Fight Club")

- South Town gets taken over by the Furious Four at the beginning: Geese, Rugal, Wolfgang, and Mr. Big

- Kyo is a descendant of the Kirishima ninja clan, one of the 2 assassin factions that learned to produce powers of the flame combined with ninjutsu fighting techniques; Iori descended from the Yasakani, rival of the Kirishima

==Casting Examples==

Jon Foo - Kyo Kusanagi
Leah Dizon - Yuri Sakazaki
Keiko Kitagawa - Athena Asamiya
Gerald Anderson (Filipino-American actor) - Shingo Yabuki
Christian Howard - Terry Bogard
Brenda Song - Kasumi Todoh
Emiru Momose - Mai Shiranui
Dean Geyer - Andy Bogard
Takeshi Kaneshiro - Benimaru Nikaido
Yoji Anjo - Goro Daimon
Keira Knightley - King
Kelly Hu - Chizuru Kagura
Masato Uchiyama - Sie Kensou
Shun Oguri - Iori Yagami
Mark Dacascos - Kim Kap Hwan
Andy Oh Chin-Kit - Joe Higashi
Jason David Frank (Tommy from "Power Rangers") - Robert Garcia
Apolo Ohno - Ryo Sakazaki
Sho Kosugi - Takuma Sakazaki
Hiroyuki Sanada - Saisyu Kusanagi
Randy Couture - Chief of South Town Police Samuel Heidern
Mila Kunis - Leona Heidern
Forrest Griffin - Ralph Jones
John Cena - Clark Still
Tony Jaa - Hwa Jai
Kim Jung-Hwa - Yuki Kushinada/Vice (Yuki's alter ego)
Kristanna Loken - Mature

Steve "Stone Cold" Austin - Mr. Big
Gary Daniels/Jean Claude Van Damme/Kevin McKidd - Geese Howard
Don Frye - Wolfgang Krauser
Dolph Lundgren/Kevin Sorbo (Hercules) - Rugal Bernstein

Some other works that can be borrowed to supplement a true King of Fighters movie/miniseries:

- "Fist of the North Star"
- "Street Fighter" games
- "Ranma 1/2"
- "Crying Freeman"
- "The Warriors" (1979 gang warfare movie by Walter Hill)
- "Warrior" (2011 MMA movie by Gavin O'Connor)
- "Ninja Assassin"
- "Ong-Bak: The Thai Warrior"
- Bruce Lee movies ("Enter the Dragon" for example)
- "Mortal Kombat"


A mini series wouldn't be a bad idea... It IS risky though; firstly, how do you know it will have an audience/viewers? Second, the casting is rather hard to come up with. The options you gave are not bad at all, but I would personally take my own risks/liberties for some characters and cast a couple of new, unknown actors to play the likes of Terry, Kyo, the Art of Fighting guys, etc. In another topic I posted that if I were in charge of the casting I would search for people who are aware of some similarities they have with some characters, and thus might happen to be fans of KOF. It might be hard as hell, but not impossible. Third, the choreography. Would you hire a renowned choreographer? If it's too expensive, would you hire a new (but trusty) one? I would go for Yuen Woo Ping; although he's more "classic" with his martial arts. As an alternative I'd go for Donnie Yen. Yes, he's been trying to "modernize" the combat choreography for his flicks. And fourth, wire-work or no wire-work?

In my opinion if it were a miniseries, a good start would be with Terry and the whole revenge against Geese plot. After (apparently) killing Geese, Terry finds his kid, Rock Howard, and takes him under his wing. The next part would be the Art of Fighting plot (Yuri getting kidnapped, Ryo and Robert, fighting while looking for clues of her disappearance, fighting the drug-lord who kidnapped her and concluding with Ryo's duel with Takuma). And then the series would continue with KOF '94 while having a secondary arc in between KOF '96 and '97 about Geese's return (and true death); and so on until Rock grows up and concludes the series with the "Garou: Mark of the Wolves" storyline. The story would deviate from central characters (e.g.: KOF '94 to '97 will have Kyo as the main guy. And KOF '99 would have a darker story and K' as the protagonist). But still focus on significant character, lest not have such a large character roster just as to ditch less popular characters.

I would also add some quirks or running gags which purpose is to be funny for both new viewers and long time SNK fans. Such as Terry and others being frequents at Bob Wilson's Pao Pao Cafe, cameos from other SNK games; or breaking the fourth wall, since the setting will be in the 90's, make references to pop culture and such.


Let's not forget a big chunk of a subplot. I got in my mind a romantic one. I know it's cliched, but I'd like to see a romantic side story between Kyo and YURI, how the 2 became close friends and form 2 crime-fighting gangs, and Robert's jealousy towards the Flame Ninja. Add some romantic and comical elements from series's like "Ranma 1/2," "Urusei Yatsura," and "Love Hina," and it should be good.


Now that you mention it, I read somewhere that the Kusanagi and Ryo's family are good friends; there's examples such as Takuma and Saishu talking highly of each other and there's also official art that shows Yuri and Kyo riding on a Vespa.

I think giving Kyo a fictional "kusanangi-style" based on ninjitsu and Kenpo would fit him more; rather than just making him a ninja. I think retaining Kyo as a lazy slacker like in the games would be better. But, something I would definitely let pass is that hideous Gackt outfit from '99 onwards.

Besides, something funny would be seeing who gets in charge of "Rocky Boy" while Terry's out for each KoF; I dunno someone like Billy Kane's sister (who can be made up to be actually stronger than Billy, by using unorthodox pole techniques during laundry; like in the "Dreadnaught" movie).
