Maggie Q as Mai? Please

I saw this on NetFlix Instant queue so I put it on as I messed around on the internet lol. I wasn't expecting much from it so I didn't pay it much attention. But, I gotta say, WTF were they thinking casting Maggie Q as Mai? C'mon now. Anybody who's ever played King of fighters probably remembers, if nothing else, Mai because of her low cut outfit with huge boobs swinging all over the place. I'm not positive, but I'm pretty sure KOF was the first game that ever had boob physics of some sort, she kept moving up and down, leaning forward, and her boobs would bounce too. And then they cast Maggie Q with what look like 30A cup boobs to play her. Aye....


I agree, terrible casting, but she is hot.. Although I think she would have been better with a more serious female role in this movie given some of her acting background, like a King, Elisabeth or even Vanessa if they were even in this movie.. Overall it is a joke though..


Mai was pretty much the sex symbol of KOF/Fatal Fury. This movie turned her serious and not to mention, Maggie looked nothing like the part. Oh well, movie failed so better luck next time.


Maggie could not pull of the boobs, legs, or rear end of Mai. She is way too skinny and stick figurish. A shame as her face is so attractive.


Clearly you have not seen Nikita


They cast this skinny bitch to play Mai.. *beep* dude did you see how badly they F'ed up the rest of this turdburger? American dude as Kyo.. Ray Park as Rugal? Really? Who in their right mind thought blowing money on this would pay off? If you're not going to service the fans.. at least make a decent freaking movie. They couldn't do either.

A million people CAN all be WRONG.


Oh yeah.. almost forgot there was some douchebag who they randomly decided to name after Terry Bogard. Ugh..

A million people CAN all be WRONG.


im glad the dvd only cost me 5 dollars


"The character I'm playing is Mai... Shirunoichi..." - from a trailer, I swear.


by - overninethousand on Sat Jan 28 2012 06:22:00
"The character I'm playing is Mai... Shirunoichi..." - from a trailer, I swear.

She got the name correct you moron.



She said: "the character I'm playing is Mai shiranui. She.. <blah blah>"




I've said before and I'll say it again.

I'm convinced the casting directors are a bunch of LAZY MORONS, who didn't look very far when it came to casting her.

A few years before the KOF movie, there was a Die Hard 4.0 movie.
In that movie she played a henchwoman called "mai".

Those morons were probably watching the Die Hard movie when they decided then and there.. "ok let's make her mai".


Maggie Q played Mai well. I'd give the directors credit for them not to make Mai's character oover the top annoying & cheesy. However I agree they were lazy with the cast & fighting techniques which didn't relate well.


Maggie Q has huge boobs and she looks just like Mai, why else would they cast her?


I know a good opticians if you're interested.

Anyway, Maggie Q is gorgeous.



Ray and Maggie are the only reason to watch this
Maggie looks good

In a time of ancient Gods, Warlords and Kings, a land in turmoil cried out for a hero The power the passion the danger


So the question is that why didn't Maggie undergo bust enhantments? I mean most passionate actors/actresses have undergone drastic changes for their roles. Take for example Christian Bale's Rescue where he reduced a lot of weight.
