
Rating: Comedy?

Hatred is a very underestimated emotion.
- Jim Morrison


For such a normally serious subject, this film did very much come across like a comedy for most of its running. Or maybe I have a crazy sense of humour? It is obviously not historically accurate and there was a lot of dramatic license taken so we didn't get into the actual gritty details of Hitler's rise to power.

It works quite well as a kind of parody, I think, imagining young Adolf as an immature and bratty individual, with inevitable comic consequences. This would be harder to achieve if they had moved on to his later years, of course.

There are some splendid performances in the film - Götz George as Schlomo Herzl is very good, portraying a patient and fatherly figure to Adolf. Tom Schilling is absolutely brilliant in the lead role - managing to be both vulnerable and exasperating with a hint of madness, and his burgeoning rage at the world he saw around him.

Overall, this isn't the heavy-going film you would have expected, but worth a look for anyone who likes out-of-the-ordinary, slightly tongue-in-cheek humour.
