MovieChat Forums > Bu Neng Shuo De. Mi Mi (2007) Discussion > Chinese version of 'Somewhere in time'?

Chinese version of 'Somewhere in time'?

Not a bad movie. It's actually quit entertaining. There is just too much stuff similar to "Somewhere in time" tough. If anyone like this movie, check out "Somewhere in time".


The story (sceenplay) is actually similar to MANY recent movies.
There're just too many 'time-traveling' movies around.
I ain't saying Jay Chou is copying or anything, I just thought that this movie is NOT original at all.

Since it is his first time directing a narrative film, I wouldn't say it was THAT bad, but I think it was overrated.
I'd give him a 7/10 as a director, 6/10 as a writer, 3/10 as an actor.

Seriously, when I was watching the film, I saw 'Jay' instead of 'Lun'.
He CAN'T play the role, he's playing himself all along.


sorry a typo there.
I meant "Screenplay"


you really think that his acting was that bad?, i think it wasnt the best but i think it was a huge improvement from initial d, cause his acting in initial d was really bad. But i understand your feelings towards the copying its alot like the lakehouse. But i really enjoyed the movie i thought it was a pleasant change from jays normal movies.


well i've never seen initial d, so i really don't know how much he has improved.
but yeah, i really think he's NOT good in acting.
especially the scene where he first met Rain, Rain was up on a ladder and Jay was shocked when he saw her. REALLY BAD ACTING THERE!!!
maybe he will improve as he go along.
but, personally i think he should stick with making music.
i like some of his songs, i think he's got a musical talent, but sorry, he's a BAD ACTOR.


I seriously think Jay Chou's acting has improved greatly since Initial D, and this as his first directional piece is very nice indeed. Granted, he's not very good it was a bit of an eyesore to see him as lovely Kui Lun-Mei's love interest...

Let nobody tell you what to do, gotta be the judge and the jury, too!


Dude i totally agree with you on the ratings.

I haven't watched 'Somewhere in Time' but I do notice similarities with A Tale of 2 sisters, a korean movie from 2 years which also has a flashback sequence.
Please do check it out
I find the colour(?) of the film and the settings similar.


Who said Xiang Lun isn't a representation of himself?

Humans are destroyers of the worlds.
Humans shall destroy them selves in the end.


I would say it's more of Taiwanese version of "Somewhere in time" rather than Chinese version...

"Born with nothing ; Die with nothing"


I just watched it last night and thought the same thing. Basically is "Somewhere in Time" with a happy ending, plus a little bit of "Sixth Sense" thrown in.


I don't see where it is like Somewhere In Time except for the time travel theme. The ending of Secret is happier than SIT where they are supposedly only re-united in heaven, and are cheated out of life together on earth. Secret is happier because Jay goes back twenty years before Rain dies and they are able to go to school together, play music together, and be with one another on earth.
