Filming at Westminster

The crew was fimling in front of Westminster Abby in the early morning (4am-9am) of Saturday, aug 11th as well as the Westminster Bridge.

Not sure if they're doing anymore filming in the city or not


Apparently they filmed inside Westminster Abbey as well. Something that is very rarely allowed.


They weren't allowed to film in Westminster Abbey! They filmed in Paisley Abbey instead!


I gather they filmed at both, they did have one day in Westminster. : )


Indeed, we filmed in both Westminster and Paisley.

We filmed wideshots and establishers in Westminster.



I remember it well.

It was a long night which went into the morning period. After doing the shots outside,into the entrance and just inside the Abbey we broke for a while. After that we filmed a day shot at another location outside the abbey. What I enjoyed mostly about this shot was that I was allowed to smoke on set while it was being filmed, as part of the scene in the distance near the large doors.

The only downside, my mouth did taste really bad for a few hours. But all in all, it was a great shift and the crew were brilliant. Hope I get the chance to work with them in the future.
