utterly asleep

How. How can anyone be so lost and not the least bit urgent about the fact? This man's life is passing before him, his personal life a mystery to himself. It's as though his mind is 90 percent bong resin, there's just nothing there to come to the realization of his existence. I used to think I was hopeless, which was an artifact of my psychological state, but here, this man, i wonder how he will find his way back to earth. he's been gone for such a long time. His family did something to him.


90 percent bong resin hahahahahaha. Wow. No I totally agree, I thought I was hopeless, but watching this has really motivated me in a strange almost disturbing way. At first I did feel like he was overdoing the whole dead to the world attitude and then I was shocked into realizing that that is his reality. He must have realized at an early point in his life after being jaded by women or certain basic facts of life or his upbringing, that life on this world is simply not that interesting or compelling enough to care about.
Considering all that I'm amazed he managed to even film this thing.
Haha, I lost it when he was running out in the street drugged up on viagra and alcohol requesting women to have sex with him, that was definitely the high point of the film. Alex actually gave him his number! To see that claim from The Rules Of Attraction about European chicks verified on film is just incredible.
