Grow up!

While I enjoyed the film in and as of itself, the more I found out about the central character, the less sympathy I had. I mean, he never had a job, and there he was with his own flat, and listing off a list of holidays and hotels he had stayed in on various dates?

Surely he edited out all the bits where people told him he was basically a workshy and immature dick?


The movie you enjoyed watching is his work. Or did you deliberately miss that.

Nothing left except Clorox bottles and plastic fly swatters with red dots on them!


Bit the "enjoyment" was dubious, and based on the exploiting his girlfriends that he had exploited before.
I feel sorry for any woman that did show up in this movie and are associated with a numbnuts that would
take 6 viagra, wash it down with beer and then go out and try to ask women to "have sex".

His work is a lot like his personality, trying to be sentimental and evoke feelings in his audience whilst
giving them really nothing ... like his relationships.

