MovieChat Forums > Age of Love (2007) Discussion > What is this show trying to prove?

What is this show trying to prove?

whether he chooses the younger or the older woman, is irrelevant. Age is just a number.

Only fools are enslaved by time and space.


You're right. It just doesn't make any sense. This show is just like the Bachelor. It has younger and older women, so what's the big deal.


i dont like when people say "age is just a number" because its usually an excuse and too wide of a spectrum.

you wouldnt date a 5 year old and say "age is just a number" as a reason for people having a problem with it?

it maybe a number, but it marks the point at which a humans body is going through a stage. just an 'example': a younger woman is pegged as being able to have better health, likely of getting pregnant and having the healthier child, then that of a woman who is older.

i understand what you mean. but A LOT of societies use age as a reason for having a relationship with anyone. this is just a TV version of what everyone thinks about, but doesnt openly admit it

This is A Sig
This Aint No Fanboard!


You are so right. I am 30 and get flack for preferring to date people in my age group. I always get the "age is just a number" reply. What if someone caught on Dateline's "To Catch A Predator" used that excuse? On another note, what is wrong with women in their 30's? How come they weren't chosen?


I want to throw up everytime I see the commercial. Can these women degrade themselves even more? They should do a show between Fat and Skinny Women and call it "Through Thick and Thin". It's besically the same thing. I wanna see what woman say about that one. Do they think it's degrading? It's very superficial.



Through Thick & Thin! Excellent concept! I'd watch!

Extendig the franchise:
- Bachelor must choose smooth-skinned women vs women with psoriasis in: "Take the Rough with the Smooth" (or women with & without mouth cankers in: "the Crunchy or the Smooth")

- Bachelor must choose amongst a field of blind or deaf women in : "Hear no Evil, See no Evil".

- Bachelor must choose between athletes or quadriplegics in: "Scary or 'armless?"

Excuse me... Where are we going? And Why are we in this handbasket?




Extending the franchise by pushing the envelope. If 20's and 40s aren't bizarre enough, when will someone pitch:
Bachelor must pick between toddlers & octogenarians in "Toothless or Teething".
Coming to a cable station near you. I can imagine the fan blogs now!

Excuse me... Where are we going? And Why are we in this handbasket?


<"Toothless or Teething".>

That was great, Yarko!

I couldn't drink enough to make this make sense, but I think I'm gonna give it a try--Old 97's



my stomach hurts that was funny

pizza and beer diet is as worthless as a room full of happy birthday cards at a funeral



It's trying to prove that TV studios can continue to put out garbage unoriginal "reality" shows and still make a truck load. What a disgrace, I am ashamed to share the same air as the idiots that like this crap.



these posts are hysterically funny. my only concern is that a NBC will peruse the comments and we may see some of these shows next year. don't laugh. it could happen.


until Heroes returns...


What is this show trying to prove?

It proved that people will watch anything.



Age isn't just a number, it also effects your looks which is most important to remember.



It proves viewers will watch any show no matter how dumb as long as there are hot people to see, idiot.


Why are you calling me an idiot? I am not going to be watching this.

Only fools are enslaved by time and space.

