The Ending was...


Pretty fun considering if made me immediately think about the ending to HEAT. De Niro chasing after Pacino and then killing him, he got his revenge.

Anyway, i gave this movie a 7/10. Not a bad film and although i had a feeling there would be a twist, i didn't think it was Pacino the whole time.

Descent movie with 2 great legendary actors!



BUT It was an enjoyable movie.
De Niro does not need to play the bad guy all the time and Pacino the good guy after they already did in Heat.
It's Pacino's turn this time to play the bad guy and De Niro the good guy in Righteous Kill.LOL

Also,they are also allowed to make movies for guilty pleasure's and entertainment's sake. It would be boring if they make critically movies all the time like The Godfather Part II and Heat.


It was a cool twist. But the foreshadowing wasn't very subtle... so I saw it coming.

But it does even out the score from Heat. It was great to see two great actors have fun with their own status.

