Retirement age in NYC?

I know that "age" is a relative thing in movies, but man these guys looked too old to be playing cops. I could stretch it for De Niro, but Pacino looked down right ancient. At 68 its tough to play someone 15 years younger (assuming most detectives retire in their mid-50's), this was in the back of my mind throughout the picture, which I actually liked.


i hear you. maybe tey should stick to playing tough gangsters where they can still be scary and there is no age cut off.


My dad retired at 63 as a ny city detective.You would be surprised how many homicide cops are on the force past 60.


Didn't know that. Thanks for filling me in. I guess you just don't see that aspect of policing portrayed in the movies.


Mandatory Police retirement age un NYC is on the first day you hit 63 ....


In the movie, these guys look that they hit 63 about 5 years ago!

Its that man again!!


Mandatory retirement age for a law enforcement officer in New York (the entire state, not just NYC) is 63 HOWEVER I do believe that their are/were waivers.

For example, in the Suffolk County Police Department and the Suffolk County Sheriff's Office the mandatory retirement age is 62 but can be extended to 70 at the discretion of the police commissioner or the sheriff. I believe the NYPD has a similar policy.


still doesn't help the lousy script.


by Prism10 (Sat Oct 23 2010 15:28:17)
In the movie, these guys look that they hit 63 about 5 years ago!

Its that man again!!

They hit 63 and 63 hits back then beats them silly!?!
I would imagine Robert & Al are the best thing about this movie.


you should have stop your sentence at two outstanding actors... this movie is as worst as anything they ever made ! Including Rocky & Bulwinkle (for DeNiro) and Gigli (for Pacino)... i never ever was ever so bored by a cop movie like this one !! oh maybe i forgot Cop Out, but it's about the only one as worst as this one !!

Last Movies: - Johnny English 2: 3,5/5
- 3 Musketeers 3D: 4/5
- Paranormal Activity 3: 3/5


True. They ought to reprise their roles and act in more age appropriate parts rather than be like the young turks that they once were. Time had caught up on them. though these two are still one of my favorite actors.


In fact, they ranks about the greatests actors of all time imo with the Brando, Stewart, Philippe Noiret, Chaplin, etc... name them !!! Even with this movie !!! They can make sequels of Jack & Jill together for the rest of their days and still ranks in the list !!

Last Movies: - The Dictator: 4/5
- Avengers: 4,5/5
- American Reunion: 4/5



"People who don't like their beliefs being laughed at shouldn't have such funny beliefs"



215 years old.

"People who don't like their beliefs being laughed at shouldn't have such funny beliefs"


They don't really mention the age of either in the film, so they could pass as policeman just bordering the age of retirement... whatever age that may be.



And the fact De Niro had a girlfriend 30 years his junior didn't help.

Loneliness has followed me my whole life


In Heat they were playing characters about 10-15 years younger than they actually were, but they could pull that off back then. They hadn't gotten as gray, saggy, and wrinkled as they were for this one.
