the cuts?

the cuts on her knuckles. what was that about?



I don't believe they were cuts; they were wounds on her hands caused by washing them way too many times (and too roughly).


Extreme symtpoms rather dramatized of her compulsively washing her hands.

They kinda glossed over it in the film, Barnz takes alot of liberties in his surrealistic fairytale movie portrayal of a mentally ill little girl.


It really isn't dramatized. OCD sufferers wash with extremely hot water which wears the skin down even quicker and the constant washing makes them dry, which causes them to crack at the knuckles. Normal people who get dry, cracked knuckles take care of it but people with OCD don't even moisturize because it'll just be washed off in 10 minutes. People who suffer from this report scarring as a result.
