Painful to watch...

I was looking forward in watching this movie but it was a big let down. The script is just VERY bad. It's what killed it. Has to be one of the worst scripts I think I've seen in a long time. It's a "b movie" bargain bin type. I now know why it wasn't released in the states earlier. Sure the acting isn't good but it's not really what did it. There is little development. The deaths and somewhat key scenes were poorly thought out. It wasn't remotely scary either. These are the same guys who worked on The Ring series and by watching this film, I can see they are very desperate. You'll see what I mean if you watch it. The scares are very cheesy. A few shots I think might of been resampled Ring footage, like the girl eyeball shots. Same ideas anyway. I highly doubt many will like this one. The ending was pretty obvious to me and just wasn't to enjoyable.




I have to agree, this is just VERY weak

3/10 from me as well

When there's no more room in hell, The dead will walk the earth...


Just watched this, it has to be one of the worst films I've seen in years. And I've seen a lot of them. I almost want to give it 1/10, but I reserve that for the worst of the worst, and this isn't quite that low. 2/10


You know those movies that are so bad, they're funny?

This isn't one of them.

Now, 21 out of 55 people rated this movie a "10". I want names and explanations from these viewers. What made this the best movie ever?


Now, 21 out of 55 people rated this movie a "10". I want names and explanations from these viewers. What made this the best movie ever?

Either those 21 persons worked on the film and/or are family members of the film crew or they live in an area where movies only reach them about once every ten years.

You mustn't be afraid to dream a little bigger, darling.-Eames



While this clearly a very, very poorly made film, I can't really say it's the worst movie I've ever seen. Not even the worst horror film. You might want to check out Meadowlands or Rise of the Dead for that distinction.

The script was horrible, but so was the direction, the SFX and the male lead. The only mildly good parts were with Henry Thomas and Kevin Corrigan -- and God only knows what convinced them to do this.


The only mildly good parts were with Henry Thomas and Kevin Corrigan -- and God only knows what convinced them to do this.

A pay check,perhaps?

You mustn't be afraid to dream a little bigger, darling.-Eames



The acting is excruciating, especially by the lead.

---with only minutes to react we've somehow been killed by a stick insect -- Londinieres


While this clearly a very, very poorly made film, I can't really say it's the worst movie I've ever seen. Not even the worst horror film. You might want to check out Meadowlands or Rise of the Dead for that distinction.

Yeah, not the worst horror movie I've ever seen either...for English the worst I've seen are "The Heebie Jeebies" and "The Black Waters of Echo's Pond," but then there was also "Shtol'nia" (also called "Shtolnya" or "The Pit") and "Zelenyi slon" (also called "Zelyonyy slonik" or "The Green Elephant"). Damn IMDB for not allowing cyrillic! :/

Bazhayuchy po nadiyu na mriyu
