MovieChat Forums > Defiance (2009) Discussion > What happened to Aron Bielski?

What happened to Aron Bielski?

This was a wonderful picture that had me in tears most of the time. I dont care if it's 100% authentic or not, but one thing bothers me. They dont bother to explain what happened to the youngest fourth brother Aron Bielski??
At the end of the movie they explain Zus and Tuvia, played by Liev Schrieber and Daniel Craig, go to New York and start a trucking business together, the 3rd younger boy, Asael, played by Jamie Bell, joins up with the Russian Army and gets killed, but the youngest boy, Aron, who has a small part, I dont know the actor's name, is never explained. Does he get killed, does he emigrate to New York as well? Please if anyone knows, tell me.


He emigrated to the US and is the only one of the brothers still alive.

Supermodels...spoiled stupid little stick figures mit poofy lips who sink only about zemselves.


Thanks for the link. My only question is how come at th end of the movie they only mentioned that Tuvia & Zus emigrated to NYC and worked together in a trucking business, no mention of Aron?


Aron was in trouble with the law at the time and has since been vindicated, that was the reason. Aron drove a nyc taxi medallion, bought more, as did Zus, and became very successful moneywise. Thier kids still have those taxi medallions that are now worth $1.2 million apiece.


Readers might want to see the History Channel program "THE BIELSKI BROTHERS: JERUSALEM IN THE WOODS" (2006). This documentary includes narration of the brothers lives and heroic actions, interlaced with excerpts from interviews with several surviving members of the Bielski partisan community, including Aron Bielski (now Aron Bell). While he speaks solely about the war-time experiences of his family, it is pretty obvious from how well he speaks English that he has spent most of his life in this country.

Do an internet search to find 1) the DVD or online video, 2) info on the family members.
Also, check out:
