Made for TV??

So can anyone please enlighten me as to why this movie looks like a cheap, made-for-TV movie that would be found on A&E or Lifetime?? (No offense to those networks, of course)

I don't know what it is, it just has that feel...


I had that kind of feeling too.


Really? Didn't pick up on that myself. Must look out for that next time.

Good guys may not finish last but they sure as sh*t don't finish first!


Must be an HBO movie



maybe the lack of crappy CGI and battling robots?


The Bourne Ultimatum looks a lot more made for TV then this. But a lot of movies are trying to achieve a cheaper look for art nowadays so that's probably your answer.


Ahh good one. Got me laughing! :)


It was a fairly low-budget, independent film, which had a limited run in only a small number of theaters. AFAIK it did not make money (perhaps it has since, on DVD sales, TV or cable release, etc.). It wasn't made for TV however.

My feeling was that the gritty, unglamorous look was intentional, to emphasize the grim conditions and climate.
