can anybody knows,,,,?????

can anybody knows what will happen to him???? is the bad guy dead ???? we don't know and will the cops will accused him to kill everybody?????
this is another movie who made us guests but never give the answer


dont know if Greg was dead (although he looked pretty much messed up), but i doubt that Robert got accused of murdering them. there was that moment when he was about to grab the knife with his bloody hand, but when the owl cried he came to himself and decided not to. so all the physical evidence points to exactly what happend, Greg attacked him (leaving his prints on the knife) and accidently stabbed Nickie in the process, a guy that was now guilty of murder anyway, when his father told him on phone that the other victim died in hospital, CSI and prosecution will get that i guess.


Greg was just *beep* up, what with being hammered and hitting his head. At the end of the book, after Nickie dies, Robert checks to see if Greg is still breathing, he is, calls Jack and tells him to get over there(in the book the scene takes place at Robert's house). He thinks about how Jack will think he killed them, so decides to wait outside. He stops at the knife on his way outside, he bends to pick it up, then stops. If he touches the knife he'll surely be charged with the crimes. The last line of the book is: Don't touch it, he thought, don't touch it.

... and that was the second time I got crabs.


Ive never read the book, but I believe that in the film Robert kills himself in the end.

My reasoning is this:

Jenny states her last meal and song heard should be blueberry pancakes and "a kiss to build a dream on" by Louis Armstrong.
And so it was.

Robert states his last meal and song heard should be chinese and "real life" by Joan as Policewoman.

The last meal we see him eat onscreen is Chinese. The last song we hear played in the film is "Real life" by Joan as policewoman.

The evidence was stacked against Robert regarding the death of his ex-wife and the possible death of Greg. Know that the police would think he would be the #1 suspect. Add into this the fact that his entire life had disappeared before him in the most terrible fashion. Also, he carried the guilt of not just Jenny's death but of also the neighbour who helped him and was subsequently shot, and, in a lesser fashion his exwifes death.

To me that is enough to support the cue of the song at the end as being symbolic of the end of his life.


He didn't *beep* kill himself. He specifically avoided touching the knife so that he COULDN'T be charged with the crime. Robert ate Chinese because he likes Chinese. Greg wasn't dead, you can see him breathing. You're putting too much thought into the music selection.

... and that was the second time I got crabs.


Also "Real Life" came on during the end credits. Robert didn't choose to play that song nor did he hear it from some nearby radio as a last song before he died. That's just be the filmmakers way of *beep* with us as to what really happened. Robert wasn't close to death by any means. He wasn't bleeding or seriously injured.


The thing that I love about open-ended film is the fact that the viewer decides, based on what the film gave him and his/her own personal thoughts, feelings and experience.

I am no more right or wrong than you or anyone else about what happens when the curtain falls.



Seems you are the one of the few that has it right..:)..there was no ending!! its up to each of us to judge his next actions based on how we interpreted the story They added a few forks to the path near the end to create different viable ends

Too many people look for the props and effects and don't involve themselves in the story, which of course is the main thing...(cant see the wood for the trees)

The acting was good !!
both the main characters were slightly dysfunctional

he had suffered a breakdown, was not a social person as shown numerous times by his poor social skills .

she was living a romantic dream, is isolated and non-rational with the thought of death thrown in . This is shown by several irrational courses of action she followed and references to romantic ideals .

at various points throughout i couldn't believe how easy his life was ripped apart by petty judgment and a vindictive wife...who we know all along had her passport on her in the first place.

