In the Window

I'm not sure if there is someone in the window or its just a reflection but when Jenny first invites Robert into her house and the scene is on just him standing by the window, it looks like there is a women standing outside looking into the kitchen? Did anyone else see it?


Yes, I noticed it and wondered. But later, when either Robert or Greg was standing in the same spot, there was also a reflection, one that looked a little different because it was a different person (and gender). Jenny had been standing there, so it is just a reflection of her the first time you saw it. The director may have used it to freak us out a little, since the relection is darkened and it is hard to see that it's just the people standing there at the time. Or it might not have even been intentional. Either way, it has nothing to do with the plot.


No. I checked and that is just Jenny's reflection. Later we see Greg's reflection too. It is creepy and relevant to see these reflections though, in light of what is to come.

"This sounds like a dialogue from our script!"
