Just watched for 3rd time

...and I like it even more every viewing. I don't agree with the whole "represented death" argument. I don't even think Julia Stiles actually believes he's Death with a capital 'D', but a representation of where her life is turning (more like an omen than a spirit).

Note that she decides to go through with killing herself on hearing that Greg's "body" has been found. She was in a previous state of confusion and depression and the new stranger in her life meant to her that she needed to find some romantic meaning to his existence (as her best friend said she's apt to do). After thinking Greg was now dead, she took her grief as another romantic signal that she should act out on her suicidal feelings.

I just love movies that challenge you like this. It's not a Michael Bay flick which is what turned off a lot of people from what I can see. That's not to say if you didn't like it you're stupid, but you can't come at a film like this without being prepared to analyze it.


i liked the chemistry between Robert\Jenny even though they were both really depressed. i hated that Jenny commited suicide

Rob Zombie is one of the greatest movie directors today


I liked the movie. I think this story is quite typical for the detective novel of those years. Аmusing and sad intrigue with 'Peeping Tom'.

