Guys the movie started out as amazing, continued with a good plot, good acting and some good gore, yet the hospital scene was annoying, we did not know who it was, but i think it was either the black guy, or black girl, since the blonde one had blue eyes, BUT BUT BUT WHERE DID THEY ALL GO before the ending scene ? DID i watch a version that's cut on download, ( not the full movie) or was it really like this where no one shown was murdered ?


I was thinking the same. Like the movie was cut much before "the real" ending. So stupid!


Totally agree, it was so dumb. I thought it was revealed to be Tyler after that guy walked in and said his name, but then you realize it wasn't confirmed.

Also, I noticed they definitely used different bodies for the hospital patient. It was very clearly a female in some shots, and probably a male in others (when they're dragging across the floor I thought it was Tyler).


I thought it was the "gay" girl


I thought so too. Also what actually happened to her? When the zombies started attacking she was nowhere in sight, and was then absent the rest of the movie. Did she just leave and go into the woods when they thought the staff had deserted? I missed that if she did.


This was originally slated for 2009, but funding fell apart (probably when someone looked at the script .) This is just a guess but I'm thinking that in the years since they scraped enough together to make some sort of use of the pieces already shot.

I'm not one for hyperbole but I think this just might be the worst film I have seen that contains at least one actor I have seen before. It started okay and then it wasn't.

"That was the year of the gas leak, but I won't use that as an excuse."


wondering why someone would even be wrapped up like that, i assume that they set on fire. it seems for a moment near the end that someone is grabbed by the rabid cannibals and one might imagine that they "skinned them alive" or something, but that would cause way too much blood loss and they wouldn't have survived. considering the way that they freaked out and went into a spasm on the bed and had to be shackled--who would shackle a body wrapped up like that? it would probably be in a medically induced coma to heal--and the only other people who ever did anything like that were the infected, it seems that the hospital patient was infected but the affliction was never proven to be contagious aside from eating "bad meat". the last person we know to have possibly been infected was the black guy and if it was him in the hospital then that makes the trouble he went through with the makeshift stomach pumping look futile so that MIGHT have been it. finally, the guy expected tyler but is shocked when he sees who/what it is. perhaps it isn't who but what and even though it's barely shown for a split second, he might realize that what he's got is a raving psycho that wants to bite him and that's why he backs off in horror.


I count it a the first murder mystery Horror as you are left guessing at the end who the bandaged person was in the bed. The film obviously ends with the audience thinking that its Tyler after the guards broke him out of the 'cooler' and mutilated him. That's why the brother thinks that it is Tyler and after getting the bandages off is horrified by what he sees. To iasimkhovich, The borther clearly did not think he was a psycho would wanted to eat him, he genuinely thought the person under the bandages was in fact his brother. The fact that the idenity is neer explained, leads both the brother and the viewer thinking that the brutally mutilated person was indeed Tyler....or whats left of him after the guards got him. Some prop could have been left to show who the person was under the bandages like id in a wallet or photo/drivers licence so the viewer and the brother would have closure about who the bandaged person was. But the film-maker left it as a cliff hanger ending for your imagination on who the mystery patient was. I agree the events before the sort of revelations were badly edited, as you just saw them ripping apart Billy and that was it. So what happened to mark, Rose, Estelle and Tyler? We will never know, did they escape or were they overpowered and eaten by the guards. I guess we'll never know.


Shoot me again, I ain't dead yet!


My thought is its the blonde, she's the only one who doesn't seem to get in some way infected, we don't know what happens to the kid in the locked room(I expect they broke in and devoured him), the lesbian we don't know, but according to the guy and girl she was killed, the straight girl does get bit and so does the black guy, the black guy witnesses Billy get killed and the blonde gets blood in her mouth but no bites so it might have worked slower on her. It is strange to releases an unfinished film, its not the worse film as the performances are quite good but I do hope they manage to get the funds to finish it and re-release it, but doubtful


Neither are black but mixed and how'd you assume she was black? She looked white to me.
