What a JOKE

no relation to Zodiac killings whatsoever. I watched 5 minutes and turned it off. Garbage

Suppose You Were A Beautiful, Lonely Girl.... The Whole Wide World


to be fair, you should probably watch more than 5 minutes of the film to comment on what it is or isn't about, but i wouldn't subject anyone to watch any of this idiots "movies"


It's a funny movie. If you like this then you'll really love Son of Sam. The "evil" chocolate Lab makes it worth a rental.


as bad as the cut away scenes and shaky cam were. I liked the little blood we did see and zodiac's rants were very funny. "hey fat fuvck" "as a matter of fact i'm going to kill some policemen next and then maybe I'm going to kill you're fat ass too"

Rob Zombie is one of the greatest directors today
