MovieChat Forums > Tyson (2009) Discussion > Legend whether it be good or bad

Legend whether it be good or bad

A bit too saccharine at times, but, WOW, do some of the clips remind me of when he was at his zenith, if you will. He was and is unlike any other boxer I had seen before or since - utterly ruthless. Growing up in the '80s, I can remember watching each fight, from the UK, on TV and just anticipating that moment when he entered the ring and knowing he was just like an animal waiting to be unleashed. This movie brought back those memories - I still rank him as either the best fighter I have ever seen or second only to, obviously, Ali.

For all his faults, I think Tyson was just a product of the times, the area he grew up in, his family background, his ethnicity, etc. I am sure everyone can think of something bad to say about Tyson, but in terms of boxing he was and still will remain possibly the most ruthless professional boxer I have ever seen.

Great insight at times (especially the early Tyson period) and, unfortunately, a bit sad at the end due to recent events. Glad I took the time to watch this docu.

I would recommend it to anyone that grew up in the '80s and can remember this period. It's such a reminder of the times.
